Page 30 of Shadow Beasts

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The tiny, teal beast flicked his dark eyes to Paige, then back to Ronnie as he hovered in the air. He offered another unintelligible set of words, throwing his front paws out to each side.

“Yes, I know she has to get used to it, but still, Dewey, you could have been a little more welcoming.”

The dragon let his paws dangle in the air as his shoulders slumped.

“Come on. I’ll make a proper introduction,” Ronnie said, waving him over to Paige. “Sorry about that. Dewey can get a little overzealous.”

“This is Dewey?” Paige asked, waving a finger at him.

“This is Dewey,” Ronnie answered. “Your new partner.”

With wide eyes, Paige studied the small, flying creature.

He offered her a wave. “Huya!”

Paige crinkled her brow and said hello before returning her attention to Ronnie. “What is he?”

“A dragon,” Ronnie answered.

“He’s tiny!” Paige exclaimed.

Dewey’s eyes narrowed, and steam blew from his wide nostrils.

Ronnie winced and gave her head a slight shake. “Yes, he’s a teacup.” She lowered her voice as she leaned toward Paige. “He doesn’t like people to mention his size.”

“Oh,” Paige said, readjusting her glasses and offering the dragon an apologetic glance, “sorry, buddy.”

Dewey crossed his arms and closed his eyes, his chin lifting in the air. “Idiok.”

“Dewey!” Ronnie scolded.

“Also, I can’t understand a word he’s saying. Does he speak any English?”

Ronnie planted her palm against her forehead and winced. “Shoot. I knew I forgot something.”

“Wut?” Dewey questioned.

“The Crystal of Understanding. I completely forgot to get it for her.”

Dewey held a fleshy digit up and spoke another few unintelligible words before he zipped away into the maze of shelving units.

Ronnie flicked an apologetic gaze to Paige. “Sorry. I meant to give it to you when you arrived this morning, which would have made meeting Dewey so much easier, but I got sidetracked with the phone calls and–“

Paige waved her hand in the air and shook her head. “No problem.” She leaned closer to Ronnie and lowered her voice. “Are all dragons that small?”

Before Ronnie could answer, Dewey flew from between two shelves, a glowing purple crystal dangling from a gold chain clutched in his scaly paw.

“Thank you, Dewey,” Ronnie said.

Dewey thrust his paw at Paige, offering her the necklace.

“Oh, uh,” Paige murmured, staring down at the clawed foot. “Thanks.”

She carefully eased the chain from him with her thumb and forefinger.

“Just slip it around your neck, though the moment it’s in your possession, you should be able to understand him.”

Paige lifted the chain over her head and worked it around her ponytail until it rested around her neck.
