Page 35 of Shadow Beasts

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“Oh,” Paige said, her voice faltering a bit as she recalled his sensitivity about his stature. “Well, I suppose it’s not that sad. You’re just unique. Which makes you special.”

Dewey’s ears wiggled, and he remained silent for a moment. “So, Paige, what about you? Are you married? Single? Any kids?”

Paige knit her eyebrows as she considered the abrupt change of subject. Clearly, he preferred not to discuss his family. “I’m single. No kids. Just a finicky cat named Dickens.”

“Oh, a cat,” Dewey repeated, his lips rippling with the words.

“Yes,” Paige answered. “Oh! Oh, you don’t…”

She hesitated a moment.


Paige leaned forward and whispered, her lips exaggerating the words. “Eat cats?”

Dewey’s horned nose wrinkled. “Heavens no! Why would you think that?”

Paige straightened, her gaze darting around as she searched for a response. “I don’t know. In any literature I’ve come across, dragons are meat-eating. Even human-eating.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not some kind of barbarian. I can’t remember the last dragon who actually consumed a human. Really, Paige!”

“I guess I have a lot of learning to do.”

“I’ll say.”

Paige offered him a sheepish glance before she changed the subject. “Your nest is really great. Did you decorate it yourself?”

Dewey lifted his chin, a pleasant smile crossing his teal lips. “I did, yes. After they built the loft, I carefully selected each piece you see.”

“Well, you did a great job.” Paige ran her hand along the chair’s fabric. “Did you just redecorate?”

Dewey’s nose wrinkled again. “No. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, this chair seems brand new!”

Dewey’s posture stiffened. “I don’t get many visitors.”

Paige clamped her lips together, wishing she’d stop putting her foot in her mouth at every turn. “What about the last librarian?”

Dewey shook his head, his wings fluttering behind him as he did.

“Oh,” Paige said, arching an eyebrow. “Well, they really missed out. I personally plan to spend a lot of time in this comfy chair!” She kicked her feet out and slouched before shooting a glance at the dragon. “If you’ll have me, that is.”

Dewey’s expression softened. “I wouldn’t object.” Paige grinned at him before he continued. “The truth is, Paige, the last librarian and I were not friendly. At all. He disliked working with a dragon. Particularly a, as he put it, ‘pint-sized fellow’ like me.”

Paige swallowed the last of her tea. “Well, that’s rude. His loss. He missed out on some fabulous cookies.”

“You don’t have to be kind just because I’m tiny. I don’t want your pity. And the truth is I could still harm you. I have teeth.” He bared his sharp pearly whites at her and then wiggled his fingers. “And sharp claws.”

“You don’t have to be large to inflict damage. I have a cat. I know firsthand.”

“So, Dickens is a little devil, huh?” Dewey flew over and placed his saucer on the tray before he lifted it and flew to the kitchen.

“That he is. Typical cat. And I have been on the receiving end of his claws and teeth more than once.”

“What did you do to deserve that?” Dewey called as he unloaded the tray’s contents into the sink.

He lowered himself to stand on a stool at the sink. Paige sauntered to the kitchen and tugged a dish towel from the oven’s handle. She picked up a clean teacup as Dewey dumped it in the dish rack to dry.
