Page 49 of Shadow Beasts

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“Has to. In case something happens.”

“That’s what he said. But he’s not allowed in the archives, so I guess he never visits you.”

“No,” Dewey said with a shake of his head.

Paige pondered what it might be like to live underground for over a decade with little to no contact. And, on top of that, to have worked with a coworker who didn’t care for you. Dewey must have had a tough time in his position.

Paige chuckled as she kicked off her shoes and drew her feet onto the chair, balancing the plate in her lap. “Well, in any case, I’m glad I got two orders of breadsticks.”

“And thanks for getting my favorite toppings.”

“You’re welcome.”

Dewey settled back on his chaise, stuffing another breadstick into his mouth.

Paige worked on finishing the crust of her first slice. “So, have you found anything useful?”

Dewey nodded as he munched on another stick. “I started by summarizing some basic information for you about the mirror itself.”

“That’ll be helpful,” Paige said. “So, how does this work, exactly? Do we know where the mirror is and we just go get it? Does your research help so I don’t do something wrong and accidentally unleash some crazy magical power or what?”

Dewey shook his head, chewing up another bite of his breadstick before explaining. “No, it’s usually not that straightforward. And by the looks of the information in the file, this one won’t be either. We just get a tip that someone or more than one someone is planning to acquire a particular item. The stage of that acquisition is variable. They could be ready to make an exchange or they could be inquiring after it with a specific party. Then, it’s up to us to track it down and intercept it before they can.”

“I see, so in addition to the summary work, we’ll need to have a good idea of where this may be and how we can get it back. And we have to do that before they get their hands on it.”

“Right,” Dewey said, his head bobbing up and down as he devoured another breadstick.

Paige rose and crossed to the pizza boxes, then she pulled another breadstick from within and set it on her plate. “And how specific is the information on this one?”

“Not very, I’m afraid.”

Paige frowned as she plopped back into the armchair across from Dewey. “It figures.”

“I’ve started to create a timeline of any known locations of the mirror. We should also attempt to find the magic mercury and the enchantment. You need all three of those to make it work properly.”

“Sounds like we’ve got our work cut out for us,” Paige said as she nibbled a corner of her third slice of pizza.

Dewey darted back for a third helping of pizza and sticks, and then he also poured himself another soda. “Yep.”

“And it’s werewolves after it?”

“Right,” Dewey said, nestling back onto his chaise with his full plate. “What may help us is identifying the species of werewolf. It can at least let us look at the clan and determine the proximity of the mirror, or if they’re traveling, we could follow them.”

“Good thinking. So, what does this mirror do, exactly?”

“Multiplies things.”

“You mean like with a reflection?”

“No. I mean like when used properly with the three things I already mentioned, it can rapidly clone werewolves in the blink of an eye.”


“Wh-what do you mean clone werewolves?” Paige stammered as she blinked rapidly at his words.

“I mean,” Dewey said, waving a paw in the air, palm facing up, “here’s one werewolf. Look in the mirror, add a drop of magic mercury, and recite the incantation.” He waved the other paw in the air, palm facing up. “Here’s a second werewolf identical to the first.”

Paige dropped the remaining portion of her pizza on her plate as she processed the words. “And how many times can the mirror be used that way?”
