Page 76 of Shadow Beasts

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“Right. Okay,” Paige said with a nod. “So, this started out in Mexico. But I doubt it remained there.”

Dewey shuffled through a few papers. “It says there has been recent werewolf activity near Chichen Itza.”

“Which is likely where this thing was kept in olden times. I agree. Is it where it is now? I doubt it.”

Dewey tapped his pen against his lips. “Reason?”

“Call it a gut feeling, but the conquistadors traveled all across North, South, and Central America. It’s likely they found, traded for, or stole the mirror during their travels.”

“Interesting. Do you believe the Mayans, who we are surmising held the mirror at the time, would trade such an item?”

“Do you believe the conquistadors would have allowed them to keep it?”

“Good point. So, where does your gut say it is?”

“I’m not one hundred percent sure yet, but I don’t think it’s in the jungles of Central America.” She paused for a moment, her gaze rising to the ceiling and her pen tapping against her chin. “Although, I wonder if the enchantment is still there.”

Dewey jabbed his pen in her direction. “Or the mercury.”

Paige nodded at him. “I’ll see what I can find.”

They returned to their respective research. Paige outlined any references to the mirror, finding them all over the globe. She starred those that seemed more credible and placed question marks near the ones with only vague information.

She slouched in her seat as she stared at the list she’d created. Four credible locations to check including a temple near Chichen Itza, Salamanca, Spain, Cuba, and a small town in Scotland.

She narrowed her eyes at the last one, trying to recall the details that caused her to star it as credible. Her pen hovered over the location, ready to scratch it from the list. With a shake of her head, she set the list aside and stretched.

Her jaw unhinged in a wide yawn. “Whew, I’m beat.”

“Did you get anywhere?” Dewey asked without looking up from his work.

“I think so. Though I’m starting to question everything I’ve done, so it’s time for a break.”

“You’re welcome to lie down in my nest. I’m not taking a break anytime soon.”

Paige pulled her legs to her chest, setting her socked feet on the chair. “I may just nod off here. I’m pretty comfortable.”

Dewey shrugged as he thumbed through another book. “Your choice. Don’t blame me if you have a stiff neck.”

“If I do, I’ll get you to whip up some slime for the pain.”

“If you’re not careful, I’ll make it for a 300-pound adult.”

Paige shook her head at the dragon before balling her sweatshirt on the chair’s arm and nestling her head against it.

Dewey blew a raspberry at her as she closed her eyes. He continued his research, noting several things in his notebook and crossing out a few options. The sound of his pen scratching against the paper echoed in her ears. Guilt coursed through her when she thought of him continuing his work while she tried to sleep.

She fluttered her eyelids open and studied the teal dragon across the room. Propped on his chaise, his one foot tapped in the air as he slurped his Energy Dragon and stretched before returning to his research.

With a tired sigh, Paige pushed herself to sit.

“Uncomfortable? Told you to use the nest,” Dewey said.

“No. I can’t sleep.”

“You barely tried. The trick is to close your eyes and lie there for longer than ten seconds.”

Paige rose and stretched, reaching her arms high overhead. “Very funny. I figure I can go find that wall-walking thingy and practice with it.”
