Page 99 of Shadow Beasts

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She spun toward the foyer again.

“Oh, why not leave the little dog? He’ll be no bother.”

“O-oh,” Paige fumbled, turning back, “he’s a barker. And if I leave him, he’ll bark. A lot. Best to just take him with me. Thanks, though.”

The woman shrugged and offered a polite smile, pouring tea into two teacups. “Of course, dear. Hurry back before the tea gets cold.”

“I will,” Paige called over her shoulder as she darted from the room.

She hesitated as she hit the marble floor of the foyer, glancing at the locked front door. She could make it, she surmised. The old woman would be too slow to catch up with her even if she had to fiddle with the lock.

“Across the foyer and on the right,” Rose’s voice said from behind Paige.

Paige leapt, spinning to find the woman standing in the doorway to the sitting room.

“On the right,” she breathed out. “Right.”

She spun, rolling her eyes as she trudged across the foyer and searched the hall for the first door.

“That’s the one!” Rose called from across the space as Paige pushed inside.

Paige slammed the door shut behind her, examining the wall next to her for a switch. She flicked on the lights in the room, squinting against them, then searched for a lock on the door. With it secured, she spun to scan the space.

A curse escaped her lips as Dewey fidgeted inside his carrier.

“No window,” he noted.

“Nope,” Paige said as she slumped against the door. “Now what?”

“Quietly make a run for the front door before creepy grandma notices?”

“That plan stinks, but it may be our only option. Let me see if she’s still standing guard at the door.”

Paige spun and balanced the carrier against her hip as she gently swiveled the lock button. With one hand braced against the door, she eased it open a crack, peeking out. The woman stood in the doorway, sipping her tea.

Paige slid the door shut. “No dice. Grandma Bates is keeping watch.”

“Great,” Dewey lamented. “We’re trapped. And I’ve got a terrible feeling.”

Paige inched the door open again and peered at her. “Maybe she’s just a lonely old lady. We’re going to have to hope for the best.”

“Don’t drink any of the tea,” Dewey hissed as Paige tugged the door open fully and flicked off the light.

Across the foyer, Rose grinned at her. “Now, I’ve got the map spread out on the table,” she said as Paige approached her. “Let’s have a look and get you where you need to be.”

Paige offered a tentative smile as she clutched at the strap of the carrier tightly, her sweaty palms slipping on the soft strap. “Thanks.”

“Where is it you said you were heading?” the woman asked as she swung the doors shut behind them.

Paige swallowed hard, eyeing the closed doors.

“Oh, forgive me. It gets so drafty in here.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I’m from Shadow Harbor. I was trying to get back there,” Paige said, omitting the detail of her true destination.

“Shadow Harbor, yes, that’s right. And the highway ramp is closed.”

“Right,” Paige said with a nod.
