Page 19 of Shadow Charms

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She strode from the room, her chin held high at her achievement and the carrier bouncing off her hip.

“Hey, maybe I should drop everything at the library first,” she said as she lifted Dewey’s carrier onto her other shoulder. “I mean I’ve got a suitcase, a duffel, Dickens, and you. Plus, I’ll need to carry the air mattress.”

“No way. You’re not ditching me. You can ditch the cat, but I’m going to the SmartMart,” Dewey called from within his carrier.

“Okay, I’ll drop the rest of the stuff and keep you,” Paige said with a chuckle as she flung her door open and pushed her suitcase into the hall.

On the uneven tile floor, the four-wheeled rolling luggage continued to trundle along as she swung her door shut and locked it.

She cursed as the key got stuck and wiggled it, her nose scrunching with effort. It broke free, sending her stumbling backward into the railing behind her.

“Watch it, Paige!” Dewey shouted.

She blew out a breath as she righted herself and glanced around for her suitcase. The luggage barreled toward the stairs, picking up speed while it traveled the hall.

“Uh-oh,” Paige murmured, adjusting her glasses with a wince.

She hurried toward the wayward luggage when it disappeared, pitching over the first stair and bouncing down the worn stone steps.

A figure mounted the steps from the landing below while the suitcase continued its journey. It smacked into the individual, flattening them before smacking off the stone tile and bursting open. Clothing littered the landing below. Paige hurried down the stairs toward them.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. The suitcase rolled away on the uneven floor and went down the steps before I could catch it. I–“

Her voice cut off as the victim peeled a camisole from his head, dangling it between his fingertips and shooting Paige a glance.

“Devon,” she exclaimed. “Here, let me help you!”

Paige trundled down the remaining few steps, the two bags making her footsteps awkward, and reached for his hand. He waved it away, rising to his feet without difficulty. She stared up into his dark eyes, a toothy grin on her face.

She arched an eyebrow and licked her lips, leaning toward him. A pink piece of fabric covered in hearts waved in her face.

“I think this is yours,” Devon said with a grin that showcased his deep dimples in the scruff that covered his chiseled jaw.

“Oh, right,” Paige said, ripping it from his index finger as color rushed into her cheeks.

She wadded it into a ball and tossed it into the open suitcase before she struggled to kneel with the two carriers on each side of her.

“Need some help?” Devon asked, squatting next to her.

Paige glanced at him, noting the bra lying in front of his boot. She swiped it and stuffed it under the camisole as she shook her head. “No, I’m all good.”

“Going somewhere?” he asked, grabbing a T-shirt and tossing it into the suitcase despite her refusal for help.

Paige blew a lock of hair from dangling across her nose as she flicked her gaze at him. “Huh?”

“Your suitcase. Are you traveling?”

“Oh, right. No. Yes. I mean…” Paige squeezed her eyes closed as she rambled incoherently. “I’m just going away for a few days.”

She stuffed the last clothes into the suitcase, slammed it shut, and sat on top to zip its bulging form.

Devon rose to stand as Paige struggled to rise to her feet with the two carriers strapped to each side of her.

“Taking your pets?”

“Yes. Both pets. My cat, Dickens, and my second cat, Dewey.”

“Oh, I thought you just had the one.”
