Page 79 of Professor Daddies

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I collapse onto the hotel bed, the sheets cool against my flushed skin. Every nerve ending in my body pulses with a lingering pleasure, a silent echo of Conrad and Grayson’s touch.

“Wow,” I manage to whisper, the word a featherlight testament to the intensity we just shared.

My chest rises and falls rapidly, my breath trying to catch up with the racing of my heart. The room is filled with the sound of our combined exhaustion, the air thick with the scent of desire and satisfaction.

I sit up slowly, reaching for the plush hotel towel draped over a nearby chair. As I wrap it around me, the soft fabric feels like a comforting embrace, a stark contrast to the passionate intensity that consumed us moments ago. The towel cocoons my body, offering a momentary shield as I let out a deep breath, grounding myself back into reality.

“Take your time, Brielle.” Grayson’s voice is gentle, resonating with care and concern.

“Feels like I need to learn how to walk again,” I joke, but my laugh comes out more like a contented sigh.

Conrad chuckles from somewhere close by, his presence a steady source of warmth. “You were amazing,” he says, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

“Thanks to both of you,” I reply, my heart still fluttering at the memory of their hands, their lips, their unspoken promises wrapped in every caress.

The towel clings to my damp skin as I lean back on my elbows, not quite ready to stand, still reveling in the afterglow. The room—the world—feels different now, reframed by the connection we’ve just solidified in the most primal of ways.

The deck door slides open with a whisper, and Conrad’s suggestion floats through the air, light as the evening breeze. “How about we take this to the hot tub outside? I promise it’s the perfect way to unwind.”

Grayson nods in agreement, his eyes bright with mischief. “And who knows, relaxation might just lead to more…rewarding activities.”

The idea of slipping into bubbling warmth is tempting, but my limbs are heavy, sated from their earlier efforts. “Mmm,” I groan, sinking deeper into the plush bedding. “Sounds heavenly, but I’m not sure I can even stand right now.”

“Hey, no worries.” Conrad steps closer, his voice a smooth rumble. “I’ve got you. I’ll carry you there.”

I raise an eyebrow, a smile teasing my lips. The thought of being cradled against his strong chest sends a shiver down my spine, anticipation mingling with a hint of playful skepticism. “You sure? I’m not exactly light as a feather after all that room service.”

He grins, confidence etched in every line of his face. “Absolutely. I work out just for moments like this.” His arms are outstretched toward me, ready to lift me from the cocoon of the bed.

“Alright then, Sir Galahad,” I say, giving in to the charm of the moment. “Sweep me away to these magical waters you speak of.”

With a laugh that ripples through the room, Conrad’s hands slide under me, careful and strong. The sensation of being lifted so effortlessly makes my heart flutter, and I cling to him, the thrill of being so close yet again igniting a spark within me.

Conrad’s arms envelop me, and I’m airborne, the bed’s warmth a memory. My laughter echoes off the walls, light, unburdened. “Conrad! At least let me grab a robe or something!”

“Trust me, Brielle,” he says, his voice a low chuckle near my ear, “you won’t need it where we’re going.”

The cool air of the room kisses my bare skin, raising goosebumps. His steady heartbeat vibrates against my side as he strides toward the deck. I can’t help but wrap my arms around his neck, the intimacy of the moment overshadowing any modesty.

“Conrad, you’re incorrigible,” I manage between giggles, the sensation of being so effortlessly held both exhilarating and comforting.

“Only for you,” he replies, a playful edge to his tone.

We reach the deck, steam from the hot tub greeting us like a welcoming sigh. Conrad leans over, and I brace for the transition from air to water. He lowers me in, and the warm embrace of the hot tub engulfs me, heat seeping into my muscles. I exhale, the tension melting away as I settle back into the soothing depths.

Water licks at my skin, hot and enveloping. A sigh escapes me, a moan of pure contentment. My body sings with relief, each tender spot eased by the gentle swirl of the jacuzzi’s embrace. I close my eyes and let the heat penetrate deep, unraveling the knots of both muscle and mind.

“Feels incredible, doesn’t it?” Grayson’s voice, smooth as the water that cradles us, breaks into my reverie. I nod, unable to form words that could adequately describe this bliss.

I open my eyes to find him sliding into the water across from me. His movements are fluid, deliberate. The steam rises around him like a cloak, and his eyes lock onto mine, steady and knowing. I can’t help but smile. Grayson always seems to understand without needing words—a silent guardian of my comfort.

“Better now?” he asks, the corner of his mouth lifting in a half smile that radiates warmth just as much as the hot tub does.

“Much,” I admit. His presence is an anchor, something solid when everything else feels like it’s spinning. He reaches out, and his hand finds mine under the water, fingers interlocking with a familiarity that sends a different kind of warmth spiraling through me.

The bubbles pop around us, a symphony of tiny explosions that mimic the erratic beat of my heart. I lean back, the edge of the tub just right for resting. Steam curls into the chilly air, vanishing like ghostly whispers.
