Page 21 of Athens Affair

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Jasmine disappeared into the store.

Ace stepped inside moments later to find her with a sales associate, quickly selecting garments.

She seemed to know what she needed, collecting several pairs of slacks, a blouse, a blazer and a couple of dresses. The saleswoman carried her selections to a fitting room.

Ace stood in the middle of the store, not exactly sure what to do with himself, while Jasmine tried on the clothing.

Before entering the dressing room, Jasmine looked over the saleswoman’s shoulder toward Ace. When his gaze met hers, she motioned him over.

He hurried across the floor.

As he neared Jasmine, the clerk turned and smiled. She motioned toward a cushioned chair positioned outside the fitting room and said something in Greek.

Jasmine’s lips twisted. “She wants you to have a seat so I can model the outfits for you. You don’t have to. I won’t be long. I just need something befitting the heiress to an Italian fortune, not the vacation ensemble of a suburban housewife.” She winked and ducked into the dressing room.

Ace would have gone on to find his “something more intimidating,” but he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Jasmine alone. If the people who held Eli hostage were keeping an eye on her, they might make a move on her to collect the scroll. When they found that she didn’t have it, who knew what they’d do?

No. He’d stick with Jasmine until they got Eli back. If that meant hanging out in a ladies clothing store, he’d make the sacrifice. Although sacrifice, it wasn’t.

One by one, she slipped into the outfits, starting with the pants, blouse and blazer combination.

She’d gone into the fitting room in her ill-fitting, brightly colored slacks and shirt and came out in a sophisticated trouser and blazer combination that fit her curves to perfection. The high-quality material and sleek lines accentuated her figure. The white silk blouse and camel color of the pants and jacket provided a stunning contrast to her dark hair, making her look like the heiress she was to portray.

“Wow,” he said, amazed at the transformation.

“Thanks.” She blushed as she stood in front of a full-length mirror, turning right then left to examine the way the cut of the blazer fell across her waist and hips.

Jasmine ducked back into the dressing room and came out moments later in an all-black pantsuit. She’d secured her hair in a loose ponytail at the back of her neck. The stark color and lines of the clothing gave her a mysterious, badass appearance.

“That one,” he said. “You look...dangerous.”

Her eyebrows winged into a V over her nose. “Dangerous like an heiress about to beat a man in a game of poker? Or a like an international jewel thief?” She faced herself in the mirror. “I don’t want to make him turn and run.”

The blouse she’d chosen to go with the blazer and slacks was black silk with a V-neckline that dipped low between her breasts.

Ace’s gaze found it difficult to look away from the tempting display of cleavage. “Trust me,” he said. “He won’t turn and run. He’ll want to get to know this beautiful, mysterious woman.”

She frowned at herself in the mirror. “I don’t know.” After one last look, she stepped back into the dressing room. “Two dresses, and I’m done.”

Ace glanced at this watch. They were good on time. It wouldn’t take them long to find him something more intimidating to wear once Jasmine made a decision regarding her “heiress” attire.

She emerged seconds later in a black dress with three-quarter-length sleeves and a deep V neckline that hugged her body from breast to mid-thigh. Jasmine turned her back to him, clutching the open back of the dress together. “Could you zip it, please?”

Ace was out of his chair in a heartbeat.

His pulse quickened as he reached for the zipper tab low on her back and slowly drew it up to just below her shoulder blades.

Holy shit. She wasn’t wearing a bra. His groin tightened as his knuckles brushed against her naked skin. He remembered how smooth and warm it had felt to his touch when she’d lain in his bed during that week so long ago. Ace swallowed hard on a groan rising up his throat, stepped back and forced his hands to fall to his sides.

“You look amazing,” he said, his gaze meeting hers in the mirror’s reflection.

Jasmine ran her hands over her hips. “The dress is amazing, and it might be the ticket to get me inside.” She sighed. “But not conducive to a quick getaway, especially if any running, climbing or jumping is involved.”

“Good point,” he said. “But what a shame to pass on something that looks like it was made for you.”

“It is an amazing dress.” Jasmine studied her reflection a moment longer, then shook her head. “But no to the dress.” She performed an abrupt about-face before Ace had a chance to move.

He’d been standing close.
