Page 30 of Athens Affair

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Christos pushed all but five chips into the pot.

Jasmine deliberated for a full thirty seconds and then met Christos’s bet.

Nikolai met the bet.

Christos laid his cards on the table. Between the two in his hand and the ones on the table, he had three of a kind.

Nikolai shook his head and laid out his two cards. His highest combination gave him two pairs.

Christos smiled.

Then Jasmine laid down her two cards. She had a flush, beating both their hands.

Christos frowned as the dealer pushed the pot toward Jasmine, giving her the greatest number of chips among the players.

Christos waved the casino manager over and asked for a whiskey. He whispered to the manager something Ace couldn’t hear.

The casino manager shook his head.

Christos’s brow furrowed. He spoke in angry Greek.

The casino manager again shook his head.

Jasmine raised a hand for the casino manager. He disengaged with Christos and hurried over, appearing thankful for her interruption.

Jasmine spoke softly to the casino manager.

He frowned, nodded and then left the room. Moments later, he returned with a martini and the whiskey Christos had requested.

He left the martini with Jasmine and carried the whiskey to Christos, setting it down on the table. He leaned close to Christos and whispered something to the younger man.

Christos’s gaze shot to Jasmine, and his eyes narrowed.

The bait had been cast. Would he bite the hook?

Christos spoke to the manager and then sent a nod and a tight smile across the table to Jasmine.

She acknowledged by briefly raising her martini glass and then taking a sip.

More chips were added to Christos’s five, giving him a decent amount to continue in the game.

The next hand was dealt. When the dealer laid out the three cards on the table face up, Jon made his bet, Jasmine met it, Klaus raised the bet and Angelo folded.

Nikolai raised Klaus’s bet, and Christos raised Klaus’s bet.

Jasmine, Jon and Klaus met Christos’s bet.

The dealer laid the next card on the table.

Jon checked.

Jasmine added chips to the pot.

Klaus met her bet.

Angelo folded.

Christos studied his two cards and those on the table. Then he met Jasmine’s bet.
