Page 38 of Athens Affair

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“Nothing serious, I hope,” Jasmine said, happy to know the older Demopoulos was nowhere nearby.

“I don’t know. It was something about an explosion. I heard about it as I was going into the casino. It must have caused significant damage since he hasn’t returned. As late as it is, he should be home soon.”

All the more reason for Jasmine to set their plan into motion.

She smiled. “It is getting late. Are we still good for that drink?”

Christos perked up, appearing happy to leave the artifact room and get on with his plan to woo her. “Let’s go to my suite. I have a fully-stocked bar. And you might be interested in the renovations I did there.”

“Sounds lovely,” Jasmine said.

He led the way to the door of the secure room and waved his hand over a red light on the wall. The door slid open.

Christos stepped out and waited for Jasmine to cross the threshold. Once outside the room, the metal door slid closed behind them.

Ace fell in step behind them as Christos guided Jasmine down the hall and back to the main entryway. They climbed the curved staircase to the second level. On the landing above, he turned left and walked to a set of double doors. He pushed the doors open and stood back for Jasmine to enter.

When she passed him, Christos blocked Ace from entering.

“I’d hoped we could be alone,” Christos said to Jasmine.

Jasmine nodded and spoke to Ace in English. “You can stay outside. I can take care of myself.”

Ace nodded and took up a position in front of the door as Christos pulled it closed.

Alone with the young man, Jasmine cocked an eyebrow. “Shall we take care of business first?”

Christos nodded. “Of course. Let me get you a drink. You can relax and enjoy the view while I get your money.”

“Perfect,” she said and turned away. “I do have a plane to catch early tomorrow morning. I have a meeting with my board of directors in Rome. They don’t like it if I’m late.”

“I can have my driver deliver you to the airport in plenty of time to catch your plane,” Christos said. “That would give us all night to get to know you better.”

“Mr. Demopoulos, do you presume to seduce me?”

His lips curled upward. “The thought did cross my mind.”

“Get me that drink, bring me my money and I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll get you that drink.” He hurried across the floor to the bar against the wall.

Jasmine looked around the sitting room. He’d decorated it tastefully with white leather furniture and glass-topped tables. The best part of the room was the view through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Athens below.

“What would you like to drink?” Christos asked.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” she said.

“Do you drink scotch?”

She nodded. “I do.”

He lifted a bottle and pulled off the top. “I bought this from one of my favorite distilleries the last time I was in Scotland.” He poured amber liquid into two tumblers and dropped a couple of ice cubes into each. He swirled the liquid around inside the glass as he carried it across the room to Jasmine.

She took one of the glasses and softly tapped it against the rim of his. “To the highlands of Scotland.”

Christos shook his head. “To getting to know each other.” He tapped her glass again and then tipped his glass back, drinking half the liquid in it.

Jasmine touched her glass to her lips and pretended to take a sip. She didn’t dare in case he’d laced it with a date rape drug. Not that she thought he would, but why risk it? Because of the urgency of her mission, she couldn’t get sloppy and let herself be incapacitated. Her son’s life hung in the balance. She had to keep a cool and smart head on her shoulders to free him.
