Page 15 of Vowed To Be Yours

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I start outlining ideas, enjoying her blush and the widening of her pupils. “In the shower? I’ll lick your pussy until you’re begging, then pick you up and bend you over the bathroom counter.” I nod down at her, getting hard again already. “Spank your cute little ass until it’s as red as your cheeks right now, then spread your legs wide, push my cock inside you …”

“Oh my god, Alexei,” she says, sitting upright and grabbing my arm. “Let’s go do that right now.”

I pull her back, twisting my fingers in her hair and kissing her until she’s climbing on top of me. “We’ve got time to go through the whole list, little monster. Plenty of time.”

There’s that damn flash of hesitation in her eyes again. Something’s still bothering her. But she leans down and whispers close to my ear before she kisses me.

“I’m your little monster. Take me again right now.”

And I forget everything except her mouth on mine.

Chapter 7


The slight achiness tells me I’m awake but I can’t believe I’m not still in a wonderful dream. Cozied up under the covers with my head on Alexei’s chest, his arm curled around my shoulder. I can hear his heart beating a slow, rhythmic tempo under my ear and feel his soft breath fluttering in my hair.

I smile against Alexei’s skin and try not to shiver with the rush of memories of last night. The way he was so patient and yet so voracious. And oh my God, everything felt so, so good.

I want to wake him with kisses, boldly reach for his cock, but based on the bright light streaming through the windows, it has to be late morning, maybe even afternoon. Reality hits me in the face like a shovel and I flinch, instantly stilling so I don’t wake Alexei.

Because I have to face my phone, and all the messages from my father that I know are waiting. As a tiny act of defiance, I left it in my room when we went out last night, pretending I didn’t care what he thought of the information I sent him. Trying to pretend I was really a new bride out for a date night with her husband. But it was always looming in the background, like the ever present waiters, only with malicious intent instead of fresh bread.

When we got home and Alexei made that heart-rending speech, everything faded except for him. When I lost my mind and kissed him, that’s when I entered this wonderful dream.

Well, I’m wide awake now and starting to sweat from anxiety. I’ll just slip out of bed and put Papa off for a little while longer, then scamper back here to work through more of Alexei’s list. Easing out from under his arm, I roll to the floor, poking my head up like a groundhog to see he hasn’t stirred.

He’s so beautiful, with his grumpy brows relaxed in sleep. He almost looks as sweet as he truly is. Those lips I can’t get enough of are slightly parted and when I rolled away, I pulled half the blankets with me so I have a full view of his muscular chest. The urge to trace the dark lines of the dragon tattoo that spills over his shoulder and onto his biceps is so strong I have to grip my right hand with my left to keep it down. I don’t dare cover him up again and tiptoe to my room—is it still my room?

If Alexei finds out the truth of why I married him, will this still be my home? I need to figure out what I’m going to do, but for the moment, all I do is whip on a robe and dig my phone out of the bedside table drawer.

No sooner than it’s turned on, notifications start to flood in. Missed calls and voicemails. The texts are increasingly threatening. Papa doesn’t like what I’ve sent him. He may even know it’s a lie since he’s clearly been spying on me. I click the first voicemail from him and take a step back at the rage in his tone.

“This is nothing, Seraphina. I’m more than disappointed. Meet me for breakfast tomorrow at the compound so I can determine where we go next.”

Shit, shit, shit. It’s past noon. He’ll think I ditched him on purpose. New messages are pinging through from him, wanting to know when I’m going to face him. Um, never? Except, of course, I’ll have to face him, and soon, or he’ll cut me off and I’ll be nothing more than an enemy to be exterminated.

I swipe away the texts and ignore Papa’s missed calls to me, but then my phone starts to vibrate with a new call coming in from Leo and, against my better judgment, I answer it.

“Where the fuck are you?” he hisses.

I glance at the bedroom door. “I’m sorry. I have a little bit of a cold. I slept late. I’m sorry.”

My brother sighs, long and loud. “Papa’s beyond pissed. I can’t talk him down off the edge. I think you might need to take a vacation. Far away, and for a long time.”

I don’t answer Leo because my bedroom door opens and Alexei steps in, rumpled and adorable and heartbreaking in his bathrobe that’s open to his waist. His smile fades when he sees me—I’m sure I look like I’ve just been issued a death sentence. I mean, it’s only a matter of time if Leo is already telling me to get out of town.

“What’s wrong?” Alexei rushes to me and takes my shoulders, searching my face. I look down at my phone and quickly end the call. “God, Sera, tell me what happened.” He pries the phone out of my shaky grip and I want to throw up because I haven’t locked the screen yet. “Leo called? What did your brother want?”

Now he looks suspicious. I can’t open my mouth because I realize I can’t lie to him. And it’s too late because he’s already scrolling through all the messages. His brow furrows as he keeps reading. When he finally looks up at me, his dark eyes are cold, devoid of any of the passion from last night, empty of anything at all.

“This was your part of the marriage bargain?” he asks stonily. “To give them information on me?”

“Yes,” I answer, forcing myself to stay upright. “In exchange for the chance to cut ties with them and go to nursing school.”

“Ah, so there was an expiration date?”

I nod miserably. “A year.” I can’t take his icy glare anymore and reach for him, but a short shake of his head makes me drop my hand. “I tried ignoring them and putting them off, but they’re following me now.”
