Page 69 of Evelyn's Enforcer

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But then he leaned over my body, and whispered in my ear,

“Watch as I fuck the beauty I own.” Then he started moving, and I cried out as that euphoric feeling quickly built once more inside me. I closed my eyes, the glimpses of him fucking me too intense to witness. However, the second I did, he was growling down his next order at me,

“Open your eyes and don’t you dare fucking close them… open them and watch as I possess you!” They snapped back open at this, not wanting to disobey him, and now I forced myself to watch as he fucked me hard and fast. My breasts were slapping up and down, even as the ribbons tightened their hold. The clamps biting down with every bounce, making me moan and writhe against the restraints.

“Yes, yes, yes… fuck, Ryker, yes, I’m going to…”

“No! For we find it together!” he growled down at me but then as he lowered himself over me, I found him whispering at my ear,

“But not before, I claim you for all eternity.” Then I watched in fear as his Demonic face started to show.

Starting with…

His Fangs.



Ididn’t get to question this change, because suddenly the ribbon around my neck was ripped away, at the same time his hand was fisted in my hair. He yanked my head to the side and dove into my neck, before biting me there and making me scream.

Pain shot through me as I started to struggle, the ribbons tightening instantly. However, what I thought started off as a nightmare ending to making love, suddenly made me scream with the most intense pleasure. I came like I never had, making all before it shadow in the wake of this new sexual experience. I kept my eyes on the sight of him ravishing me, drinking my blood and making me his meal like some wild beast.

At the same time his hips bucked into me, and he continued to thrust his cock, pounding into me and dragging out the orgasm for what felt like endless minutes. But then he suddenly tore his fangs from my throat and bowed his body back, roaring at the mirror as he came. I became transfixed by the sight of his pleasure, his muscles tensed like solid steel and the cords on his neck straining against the skin. The sight of my blood pooling at his open mouth before dripping down his chin and onto his hard, wide chest shouldn’t have turned me on the way it did.

He looked like an uncontrollable Demon feeding from his victim, and again I had to question why these thoughts only added to my erotic desire. One that was winding down for both of us. I now felt beautifully fucked raw. As for Ryker, he dipped his head to my neck once more and I tried not to flinch. Something I didn’t manage to succeed in as he eased my fears,

“Calm, sweetheart, for I will not bite you again, I only wish to clean the mess I made, as I have already sealed the wound.”

“Why… why did you bite me?” I braved to ask as soon as my ragged breath returned enough to speak.

“All in good time, Dove, but first, let’s release you of your restraints, should we?” Then he took his time carefully freeing me, as he pulled at the ribbons, releasing my body and making me wonder if he received enjoyment from doing it himself. Because he didn’t use his power to move them like before, so I could only assume that he now took pleasure in taking care of me. His hands stroked against the slight red marks made by the ribbon, kissing the darker imprints found on my skin.

Then came the nipple clamps, and he warned me,

“Take a deep breath.” The second I did, he removed both at the same time, making me hiss with the spike of pain as blood flowed back into my nipples. But then his mouth was soon on them, sucking gently and soothing the pain there. After this, he bundled me up against him with the soft silk sheets covering my now shivering body.

“I don’t know why I am…”

“Ssshh now, it’s just the adrenaline, it will pass, just let me hold you through it.” And pass it did… and in the most wonderful way, because being held in Ryker’s arms was like a dream. One I would have stayed in if the burning question about my blood had not been as persistent as it was.

“So, you like to bite during sex… good to know,” I said, making him scoff.

“Trust me when I say, you are the first and will most definitely be the only.”

“Also, good to know.” I felt him grin at this, as he held me from behind and dipped his lips to where he had bitten me.

“But seeing as we are on the subject, there is something else we must discuss,” he said, making me tense in his hold. His tone told me this was something important.

“Is this where you tell me you will need me to slit a vein daily for you to feed like a Vampire?” He scoffed at this before muttering,

“I am no fucking Vampire.”

“You mean those exist?!” I said, turning around to face him and making his eyes soften at the sight of my curiosity.

“Yes, they exist, but any warped cultural notions you have of them needing to drink blood in order to survive is misguided, just as it maybe with your thoughts on Demons.”

“Oh phew, for a second there I thought I would have to…” He swiftly interrupted me,
