Page 81 of Evelyn's Enforcer

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“Yes,” he stated firmly.

“Would you kill me?” This question took him off guard, and for the first time, I heard something other than my nickname coming from his lips.

“What is this about, Evie?”

“More specifically, would you let me die, if you had a chance to save only one of us?” I asked, now hoping this would help in making his decision. I was wrong, because he questioned me further.

“I don’t understand?”

“Just answer the question, Van, we don’t have much time,” I urged, looking up to see Hector pulling the other pieces of the scepter out of the bag, ready to fit them together.

“Yes, I would save my friend,” he finally admitted.

“Good. Then I need you to keep that promise to me,” I said firmly.

“What promise?”

“When the time comes, you need to trust me. You need to get Ryker out of harm’s way by any means possible, do you understand?” I pressed further but, again, he wanted more details. And not that I could blame him because I would have been the same in his shoes.

“Evie, what do you know?”

“Please… you have to trust that I know what I am doing here. I just need to know that when the time comes, if you have the means of getting Ryker out safely or not?” I replied, swallowing hard and praying that he did.

“I can get him out, but only if I get my powers back,” he finally admitted, making me hope this was easier than it sounded.

“Good, then if we both make this part out alive, and what happens is what I think is going to happen, you have to be at the ready,” I told him, hoping he was taking me as seriously as I sounded.

“He will kill me if I let you sacrifice yourself,” he replied, talking now about Ryker. I released a heavy sigh and argued,

“He won’t if I made you do this, if I made you swear to grant me my last wish.”

“And that is what?” he asked, his bruised face frowning down at me side on from where we both sat.

“To save the man I love and the world he lives in,” I told him, just as I saw the last piece of the scepter being placed on top.

“At last, the power of Psychopompós is in my hands!” Hector shouted out, his booming voice echoing once more. Telling me our time was up as he walked back down the pathway lined with gold, now holding the golden scepter in his hands like it held the power of the Gods and from what Ryker had told me, it most likely did.

“He’s got the Scepter,” I stated the obvious with gritted teeth.

“Yes, but he doesn’t think he can take all of it out of here… the bird is cursed, remember?” he said, winking at me just before I was grabbed roughly by the arm and handed the scepter.

“Now let’s hope you have enough of that bastard’s blood in you that you won’t die before we get to the portal gate,” Hector said, and I was forced to look down at the heavy weight in my hands, afraid of the power this thing could hold. And now that it was complete, I could see the same as what was shown to me in my vision. That the bird would be turned left to latch onto the Earth at its feet, symbolizing the end.

“Let’s go, Siren!” Hector said, pushing me toward the exit, just as Vander was forced to do the same. However, the moment we made it back outside, this was where the problem with my plan began because Hector had one last order to make, when the one I had named Scarface asked,

“And what about him?” To which Hector just smiled that evil grin of his before telling him,

“We don’t need him anymore…”

I cried out in horror, but it was no use, and Hector grabbed my arm, held me tight, and dragged me away as he issued the final blow…

“Kill him.”



