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“Well, that sweaty ass-crack Geryon wants her for a reason, and if what he claims is true, that she is his niece, perhaps Ella is a far older soul and has no recollection of it. Either way, how about I just rip out all the info this bitch knows and then you can play, ‘who wants the head’ with the crowd.” I looked to Orth at this, and he shrugged his shoulders and said,

“Um, works for me.” I grinned at this and then held out an arm toward the bitch in question, making Marcus pull at his lapels before taking an exaggerated step toward her. I couldn't help but grin as I watched her panicked eyes turn pleading the closer he got. Because in the end, she knew I wasn't the only one who wished to reap their revenge upon her.

No, my revenge belonged to everyone in this room, including that of her souls. Souls that were now under the command of my girl, and still this was a realization I was struggling with as I didn't yet know what the ramifications would end up being. I didn't know what this would do to her mortality, or if it would take a toll on her mind and what it would end up doing to her as a person. I didn’t want the weight of so many Demonic souls pressing down on her or an ounce of evil touching her.

There were just so many things I didn’t know.

Although I knew one person that would, and that was precisely where I intended to go next. But as for now, well I took sick pleasure in the sight of Niniane cowering as Marcus stepped closer, trying to scramble back like some confused crab. However, now that Niniane’s power had been stripped from her, Marcus didn’t hold back. Not now he could create his own version of chains, as a blue electricity snaked up his staff, before he tapped it on the ground. This created lightning bolts of power to expand from the point of contact and branch across the floor, quickly making their way to her. Then once they found their victim, they latched onto her, shackling her ankles and wrists, keeping her in place so as she couldn’t run.

“Please! Jared, I can help you! I can serve you and help you fight against Garmr, for I know his weaknesses!” she pleaded, making me scoff, although I did wonder why she hadn’t referred to him as Geryon.

“Yes, and soon, my dear, I shall also know… everything,” Marcus said, ending this threat with a Demonic voice, one people rarely heard as it was the dark side of his powers the Fates didn’t often permit. Then I watched as he lowered to one knee in front of her and the moment she started screaming, I knew it was because he had covered her face in his hand. One that was no doubt currently ridding her of everything she knew regarding what that fuck Geryon wanted with my Ella.

As for the souls, they all shook, vibrating as if some current was passing through them. Like pieces of them still clung to her like crumbs of memories on how they each came to be a Summoned soul.

I felt Ella come to stand next to me and without looking away from Marcus’s back where he knelt in front of his victim, I curled an arm around her and pulled her close.

“I know she’s bad and we hate her, but this is hard to watch,” she admitted, which was when I finally looked down at my girl and her kind, tender heart was easy to see in her big green eyes. Gods, but she was so beautiful and the sight of her concern for the enemy near broke my heart. Especially when I didn’t want her to think differently of me for what I was about to do next.

Of course, Orth didn’t miss this either. Which meant that when I pulled her close enough to tuck her against me, I kissed the top of her head before looking over it to my brother. Then I shifted my eyes to the side, telling him what I needed without words. He nodded the once and continued to let me have my moment with her.

Soon the screaming died down and left Niniane panting through the mental torture on the floor. Marcus rose to his full height and was putting his glove back on as he walked back to us.

“You have what you need?” He gave me an evil grin and tapped a finger to the side of his head.

“Stored in the vault. And FYI, everything we thought we knew about how evil this bitch really is… triple it.” I gritted my teeth at that and, keeping my jaw locked when I felt Ella tense in my hold, I nodded to Marcus telling him I understood.

The bitch had to die.

“Hey, Cookie girl, how did you get here?” my brother asked, making Ella look up from where she had been hugging onto me.

“I came through a door in the temple of Janus,” she said, confirming what I had already guessed to be the case. Now as for the how and when, this was still a mystery. But I looked to my brother, as our minds were on the same path.

“That’s good, that means a quick and easy way back… in fact, why don’t you come and show me.” Ella looked up at me for confirmation that I wanted her to do this and, again, it tugged at my heart. So, I kissed her forehead and said,

“It’s okay, baby, you go with Orth, I will be right behind you.” She looked to Niniane, and I took her chin between my thumb and finger, now gently forcing her gaze from the sight and back to me.

“You with me, baby?” I whispered down at her, making her swallow hard before nodding, telling me that she understood. She knew I didn’t want her to witness this next part and her acceptance of what I knew was best for her warmed my soul.

So, I waited for her to walk toward the other side of the arena and off to the underside of where Niniane’s viewing platform had been. There was a door that, now open, was no longer hidden and made to look like the rest of the walls.

Then I waited until she was through it before releasing a sigh. It was hard letting her leave my side, if only for the minute it would take me to kill this bitch. But I knew it was better than leaving her scared with nightmares stemmed from my hands. In truth, I would have preferred to take my time with someone as evil as Niniane, but I couldn’t be without Ella for long. As already my HellBeast was clawing at me to be done with this shit and get back to her.

So, wasting no more time, I walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair, making her whimper. Then I pulled her to standing in front of me, and was about to address the crowd, when Marcus said,

“Please, oh please say, ‘Are you not entertained’… that would make it epic.” I rolled my eyes before telling him,

“No, that would just make it a rip off from the Gladiator movie.” Marcus smirked and nodded to the crowd before pointing out,

“Yeah, and just how many of them do you think have seen that movie, J? You say the name Russel Crowe and they will just think that’s the name of your pet bird.” I scoffed a chuckle at that before tightening my grip on my squirming prisoner.

“In which do you speak?” Asher asked, making me chuckle again when Marcus slapped him on the back and said,

“Oh, you have lots to learn at Devil’s.”

Meanwhile I turned back to the crowd and started,

“Your famed Summoner is no more!” I then looked to Marcus to see him urging me on and because I thought, well fuck it, I added,
