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Another thing I was truly ashamed of.

But that was the funny thing about time, they said that it healed all wounds and the irony of this was not lost on me. Which was why I stood up and offer him my hand, making Marcus ask me,

“You sure about this?” I nodded, so he put his hand in mine as I pulled him to standing and replied with a firm,

“Do it.”

Seconds later I then realized that no amount of bracing myself for what came next would have prepared me for the feeling of Marcus scrambling with my brain. Injecting it with flashes of the past, showing me moments that I needed to see the most. Like the image of Lerna, there in the woods, meeting with Koro. Just like Ella had said.

I thought that this, along with what happened in the cottage would have been the hardest image to see. And despite hating myself for witnessing the fear I had caused in Ella… despite wondering how she could ever have wanted anything to do with me after this point… despite the pain I had inflicted on her heart as well as her body… well… what came next, it was so much fucking harder!

For there was Ella, my beautiful girl, my soul mate and Chosen One, being attacked by two men at the side of the road! She had come so close to being raped and killed, that if I was in control of my body in that moment, then I would have burst into my HellBeast form and gone on a fucking rampage. You would have found me howling in fury and laying waste to the woodland surrounding the cabin.

But then as if Marcus knew this and the struggle I faced, he injected me with feelings that started to overwhelm the anger. Like how fucking proud I was of Ella for fighting back! The fact that she would not allow this to happen without giving everything inside her and going down without a fight. How fucking proud I was that Marcus turned up when he did and killed the bastards in a brutal way.

He had saved my girl where I couldn't.

He protected her, when I should have.

And he was there for her, when I wasn't.

This was the pain they both had wanted to spare me from. The pain of the guilt I felt. As back in the cell that had been my biggest fear…


That history would repeat itself, and I would be the cause of the fuck up. That I would be too blind to realize and in doing so, Ella would be the one to get hurt. Thankfully, in the rest of the memories that came flooding through, I managed to at the very least slightly redeem myself when being the one to save her more than once. I had protected her and was never the cause of her physical pain once I finally had her in my domain.

I also started to understand something else. The emotion Ella had spoken about when breaking her promise to past me and saying goodbye. I felt my own heart break, despite being fucking thankful that she had done this. It was honestly beyond fucked up, just like it had been to be so jealous of myself. To be envious of a second claiming bite I saw at her neck and knowing exactly what came with that. That he would have had sex with her, when Ella was only ever mine to claim.

Fuck, but I think if our story was told to a therapist, his head would mentally implode and he would be the one needing therapy.

But then that was just a testament to how strong Ella could be. And I couldn't have been any prouder, nor did I think it possible for my love for her to grow tenfold but it had. I had needed to claim her in every way possible, and I knew now that time was no longer going to come between us.

I would not let it take another second from what I wanted.

Which meant I need it to make plans.

A plan I would soon put into motion, starting with when Marcus removed his hand. I staggered back a couple of steps, trying to rid myself of the feeling of being disorientated. It fucking hurt like the blazes of Hell, and it took everything in me not to just pass out. But I continued to breathe through the dizziness until my head started to clear.

“You okay?” Marcus asked me, make me scoff.

“Fuck no,” I confessed, making the bastard chuckle. “But I will be,” I added firmly, knowing now what I wanted to do. There was only one thing on my mind and I knew now that until I made it happen, I would become a man obsessed. It was a single focus that would consume me until it was done.

“Well, I know that look, you got a plan?” he asked, as I finally straightened my body after I had been hunched over with my hands on my knees. But now I looked at him and said,

“When do I ever not have a plan?”

After pointing this out he shrugged his shoulders and admitted,

“Good point. You want to tell me what it is?”

“Yeah, but it starts with you hitting me,” I said, making him grin and without even trying to talk me out of it or ask me why, he punched me square in the face. Oh, and it was hard enough that it knocked my head back, meaning he hadn’t pulled the punch. I felt my lip split and blood fill my mouth. It was a fucking damn good hit.

“Now, we square or do you want me to kick you in the balls too?” I couldn't help but grin at this and told him,

“No, I think we're good, I lost my shit when I saw you hugging Ella and, for that, I’m sorry.”

“Technically, she was hugging me, asshole,” he replied, making me rub a hand to the back of my neck and say in a frustrated tone,
