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“I know he isn’t,” he stated again, and with the type of resolve that was getting harder to argue against.

“And you can prove this?” Dom confirmed.

“I can and shortly will, as soon as my head of security gets here.”

“And how is he to prove it?” I asked just as the door opened, and in walked a big muscular black guy, one I had seen a few times at my club when accompanying Lucius. But this was when the meeting took a surprising turn, and Lucius decided to introduce him as someone far more than just someone on his council.

“For those of you that don't know, this is Clay, head of my security, however, he also goes by another name…” I looked to Dom in this moment, and clearly, even he didn’t know the true nature of this man, as he ended up looking just as shocked as the rest of us did when his true nature was introduced.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet the real Geryon, the true and rightful heir to the…”

“Throne of Fraud.”



“How is this possible?” Dom asked, beating us all to the same question, because I think he was the one that recovered from his shock the quickest. Like most of the known rulers in Hell, we all had at least the most basic common knowledge of our backgrounds. As for Geryon, his heritage stemmed from literal Greek mythological royalty, his father, Chrysaor, was brother to Pegasus, making Geryon his nephew. This along with Medusa and Poseidon being his grandparents, as they had birthed Chrysaor, his father. As for Geryon’s mother, Callirrhoe, she was one of the daughters of the Titans, Oceanus and Tethys.

Hence how Geryon had gained such status in Hell quite quickly after turning his back on the Gods that birthed him. Of course, this last week, I had done my research and at the time, there had been a lot discovered that concerned me. Most of which was why the fight between us that day on the battlefield hadn’t quite added up.

Geryon was known as a monstrous being in his true form and far from the description of the fucker I fought that day. Of course, now it made sense, as it had been Garmr all along, for he was nothing but a cowardly sheep in wolf’s clothing, all the while trying to play the part of King.

But the question now was, how did he do it? And if he had taken possession of Geryon’s body, then who the fuck was Clay? A question no doubt everyone at the table but Lucius now had on their mind.

Clay looked to Dom before releasing a sigh, as if some mythological cat was finally out of the bag.

“As I'm sure you can understand, not everybody wants to be king, despite my past decisions when accepting the rule eons ago. I ruled the realm until Fate intervened, then I picked my successor and had him rule in my place as me, while I took possession of this vessel and joined the mortal realm, naturally enjoying the freedom that came with it,” Clay said like it was that simple.

“And this was something you could simply choose to do?” Seth asked, while Snake Eye had something different to say.

“Lucky bastard,” Sigurd grumbled, as he hadn’t exactly made it a secret his contempt for being made King. However, when Seth raised a brow at him, Sigurd added the bitter sentiment that every king a time or two had felt during their rule,

“Not everybody wants to be king.”

But then this wasn’t surprising, as he had only recently these past few decades been forced to finally take the throne, one that he had always been destined to take. But not before he had spent years fighting against it and neglecting his duties and loyalty to his realm. At the time, he made it a well-known fact that he never had any inclination of ever doing so. In fact, it was only when he met his own chosen one that fate intervened and forced his hand. He was given a choice, to continue to deny his birthright or lose his chosen one to the brutal world he was expected to rule. The shadowlands. She had become lost in his realm, a King's domain that needed its rightful ruler to take his place in order to find her.

He may not have relished being part of the supernatural monarchy, but ruling with a queen by his side made the hardship a damn sight easier. So, he considered her his prize for taking back the throne. Although it had to be said, he had certainly continued to neglect parts of it, since he had made it perfectly clear that he was a king that preferred to rule in the mortal realm, than that of his one in Hell…. Much like Lucius.

Hence why he now sat at this table and not at another. But Sigurd was not the only one that could relate, as Lucius had lived many years with having his brother rule the Kingdom of Death in his stead.

As for myself, I couldn't give a shit why a man's choices were acted upon, for his reasons were his own. No, all I cared about was the man that was claiming to be Geryon and who was now ruling in his place.

“And you had no knowledge of this? That Garmr had taken possession of the realm?” Dom asked, knowing that this type of shit should have been known, not only by him, but mainly his father, who was the King of Lust.

“It seems to me like he's still keeping up the pretense, just like my chosen successor was ordered to do… although how he got possession of his body, I don’t know. But if he did, then I would say my replacement is likely dead,” Clay said as a matter of fact, telling me he wasn’t exactly getting choked up about it.

“And what if this was discovered? Would the legions under your command follow you or him if led into battle?” Lucius asked, beating me to it and making Clay smirk back at him,

“Is this you asking me to resume the throne?”

“You have to admit, the war would be over before its first battle has even begun,” he replied, mirroring my thoughts exactly.

“That doesn't sound like much fun,” Sigurd commented dryly, making Seth’s lip twitch, which for him was considered as a fucking grin, one that came with the comment,

“So thirsty for the fight, Viking?” he asked, making Sigurd, who was still sitting next to him, put a meaty arm around him to then slap him on the shoulder. And from the size difference, Seth would have felt it. But then he was a king for a reason, and being one of the hardest sons of bitches at this table inevitably meant that he didn't even flinch.

“Like you don't have a bloodthirsty itch to scratch,” Sigurd replied, making a darkness coat Seth’s skin, burning the hold Sigurd had on him and making him snatch his arm back before booming with laughter.
