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But mainly, sharing it with my brother.

This last week, he'd been the only one keeping me sane, and well, he was pleased as fucking punch when I first told him my plans to ask Ella to marry me. I think his exact words had been,

“About fucking time!” But then this wasn't surprising considering he had been fighting in Ella's corner since the very beginning and, of course, he had been right. If there was one thing that bastard loved the most, it was being able to say, I told you so.

However, what I didn't expect was to reach the VIP area and find everyone below at the ready. For as soon as we approached the VIP balcony overlooking the club below, everyone all turned and looked up. An anticipated hush flowed over the room and before Ella could utter a word, I took her hand in mine and raised up her arm. Then because I was unable to contain myself any longer, I shouted at the top of my lungs,

“SHE SAID YES!” Then I spun her around at the sound of her gasp of shock and kissed her to the sound of everyone cheering. A chorus of people clapped and champagne bottles popped just as the band played Here Comes the Bride. You could even hear Pip making a whooping sound, and my brother added to this by shouting,

“Fuck yeah, that's my brother!” Even Zagan started wolf whistling, while my own council were celebrating with collective howls coming from their HellBeast sides. And to the few mortals in the room, they ended up just sounding like a rowdy biker gang.

It seemed as if everyone had forgotten the reason they were here was for the new year. That was literally a thing of the past as this had now become an engagement celebration. And I couldn't have been any fucking happier at this turn of events.

“Subtle, Beastman,” Ella commented on a giggle when I finished kissing her.

“Never promised you subtle, babe, but a lifetime of vowing to make you happy, now that I can do.”

In true Ella form, she relaxed into me. Then she hooked her hand at the back of my neck and pulled me down for another kiss, telling me,

“Then let me start you off.”

Well, you won't hear me fucking complaining! But then, kissing Ella always made me hard as a rock, something I was glad that the cheering crowd could not see from down below. Especially with her parents down there, thankfully unable to play witness to the fact their daughter was currently feeling up my arse and grinding herself against me.

Fucking made for me.

Of course, I would have been quite happy to continue kissing her audience, or not, but I also understood when she pulled back from me and said,

“I think it's time we go get hugged.”

“Probably a good idea, as there's a few people down there that look like they're about to self-combust, and I'm not just talking about your mother, but mainly my brother,” I whispered this last part, making her laugh, and this was just another thing I adored about her.

Having the ability to make her laugh made me feel like a fucking hero every time. But then, she had a beautifully, infectious smile and a cute, weird as fuck laugh that couldn’t help but make a person smile back.

“Let's go, beautiful,” I said, taking her hand and tucking it in the crook of my arm, knowing she would need me to steady her as she used her other hand to lift up the skirt of her dress. This, naturally, so as she wouldn't trip down the stairs.

I would never let her fall.

As soon as we made it to the bottom step, all who cared about us descended in a crowd around us, taking it in turns to congratulate us. The first of which, being her parents, and I had to say the tears I saw in her mother's eyes was a warming sight. The knowledge that they approved of me made this moment all the sweeter.

Of course, I had already spoken with her father and, thankfully, gained his approval. So the both of them knew that this was coming as I had told him of my plans this morning, before leaving Ella at her parents’ house for a few hours. I had first asked her father’s approval and once I received it in the form of a handshake and some kind words in reference to my character, I had told him my plans. How I intended to ask her to marry me before midnight.

But even now, as he shook my hand again, the sentiment meant a lot to me. Although, I didn't know how he would have felt knowing their daughter was about to marry a HellBeast king. At the same time, I was grateful they hadn’t just viewed me as just a tattooed biker that was rough around the edges, and they hadn't prejudged me.

“Oh, my beautiful girl, going to be married… I’m just… I’m so happy!” Ella’s mum said after hugging her again, and then I heard her whisper in her ear,

“See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.”

This confirmed to me that Ella had obviously confided in her mother about her worries over this past week when believing that I was planning on leaving her. Something I vowed never to do ever again.

After this touching moment, Amelia came running through and with a squeal of excitement, was the next one to hug her, telling her,

“Congratulations! I am so happy for you… for you both! And I get to be a bridesmaid, of course.”

“Try maid of honor!” Ella corrected, causing another squeal of delight to come from Amelia. The exchange continued, with Lucius also stepping up behind his wife and offering his congratulations. This just as my brother stepped up to me and offered me his own. However, instead of the slap on the back I was expecting, he followed suit and pulled me in for a man hug, one that still included a hard slap on the back, while telling me,

“Congrats, big brother, you did good!”

“Well, I had help,” I reminded him with a grin that didn’t feel as if it would ever go away.
