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“You have a plan?” I asked, and this was less of a question but more of a statement.

“Libby found out and it broke her. Started treatments but I knew. I knew it wasn’t curable. There was no fucking cruise, there was only pain, and she didn’t want Ella seeing her while she was sick. That was her biggest worry, telling our girl.” I nodded, before telling him,

“I understand.”

“And now you want to save her?” Lucius stated, as he too knew how much it would hurt his wife to know she was about to lose her aunt to that awful fucking disease.

“I have never given her my blood. Like I said, I was content at one lifetime but now…” He couldn’t go on, rubbing at his eyes as we all knew he was close to losing it.

“Now you’re not and you want more,” Dom finished, making Frank tense and stand tall.

“Yes, Dom, I want more.” After this, Dom sighed before shocking us all and telling him without needing a second thought or any more convincing,

“Then you will have it.”

“What?” Frank uttered on a stolen breath.

“As far as I am concerned, you have paid for your time in all the good you have done. But more than anything, your family, our family and that… well, that supersedes all else.”

At this Frank could no longer stand, as he fell into a chair, held his head in his hands and started shaking. He was hunched over with his muscles tensed before they shuddered, telling us all he was overcome with emotion. Dom walked over to him and placed a hand on his back, holding out his drink to him.

“You deserve this happiness, Frank.” At this Frank reacted and was up out of his seat, pulling Dom in for a hug, with tears in his eyes, now overcome with happiness.

“I can’t lose her, Dom.”

“And you won’t, but you understand what this means?” Dom said, now pulling away from his hold and placing a comforting hand to his shoulder.

“Yes, but how the fuck do I tell them? What if Libby won’t accept it…? What if she won’t accept me?” At this Dom gave his shoulder a squeeze and told him,

“She loves you, Frank, why would she not be happy to realize that now she has an eternity with you?”

“An eternity with us all,” he said now looking at me, as clearly he knew what this also meant for his daughter.

“Besides, for selfish reasons, I am thankful, for it means I get to see the joy in my wife’s eyes when I tell her, as one of her biggest heartaches was the thought of one day having to live without her sister.” At this Frank grinned and said,

“Well at least I can rely on Kaz to have my back if Libs freaks.”

“No doubt,” Dom said, grinning, as I finally got my head around this new turn of events. But then Frank shocked us further and said,

“Not sure she will be happy to know I have kept this from her all this time, or that you changed our last name.”

At this Dom held up a hand the second I shot him a look and snapped,

“Why am I not surprised you failed to mention this too?”

“I did so for their protection and Keira agreed. After what happened in Keira’s past and the supernatural ramifications it could have, I made the decision. Especially after Ella was born, as I knew having a surname that could have been linked to Keira could potentially put a target on their backs. Libby’s maiden name was still the same but wouldn’t have been ever linked to a Connor,” Dom explained and given his reasons, then I couldn’t really say that I blamed him. As I was up for most things if it meant keeping Ella safe, most things but leave her.

“I thought as much… although waking one day and discovering my entire family now believed it too… must have been one hell of a spell you had cast,” Frank said, and Dom simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to look unapologetic.

“You will have to tell Ella, as I will not keep this from her for long, all of it,” I stated, now looking at both of them.

“Of course, just give me the time to heal Libby and tell her, so we can both be there when we tell Ella.” I nodded once, telling him this was acceptable. But then this was where the conversation took another turn, as Frank swigged back the rest of his drink and said,

“Right, well now that’s out of the way… Does someone want to tell me what shit my daughter is really in?” At this we all looked to each other and, no doubt, all thought the same thing…

No, we really didn’t.

