Page 10 of The Oath of Seduce

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Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

She blinks, breaking our gaze, and then abruptly turns her back to walk away. I reach out and grab her wrist, pulling her towards me. Her eyes widen in surprise, but I can see the spark of attraction there, too. Eyes still on her, I reach for another drink from her tray, and she suddenly stumbles. The contents of her tray slosh forward, and before I know it, she’s flung the whole thing at my chest.


Icy liquid seeps through the fabric of my suit, and I curse under my breath. She looks horrified, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. It’s such a ridiculous situation that I bark out a laugh.

“Careful, krasotka,” I chuckle once I’ve regained my composure.

“Oh, my God… Oh, my God! I-I’m so, so sorry!” she gasps.

“You aren’t very good at your job, are you?” I smirk at her.

She straightens up and shoots me a glare. “Oh, and you’re the expert server?” she retorts. “Let go of me.” She tries to yank her hand away, and I pull her closer until she’s pressed against me.


If anything, her resistance makes me want her more. I feel my blood heat, and by now, my cock feels like it’s ready to burst past the confines of my pants. It’s been too fucking long since I had a woman beneath me. And this one is nothing like the fawning fools who’ve been throwing themselves at me all night.

No, this one has fire in her veins.

I allow her to struggle for a moment, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. She’s a fighter, and I fucking love that. I slide an arm around her waist, my hand finding the small of her back as I lean in close and inhale a deep breath of her lush floral scent.

“Do you always grab random waitresses at parties?” Her eyes flashing with anger. But even as she speaks, I can see her pupils dilate. Her breathing has quickened. With one hand still holding onto hers, I use the other to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face, my fingers trailing down the curve of her jaw. She shivers but doesn’t pull away.

“Only the clumsy ones who spill their drinks on me.”

“I’m sorry, okay? But maybe if you weren’t so busy grabbing women, you’d be more aware of your surroundings.”

For a second, I can’t believe what she just said, but then a slow smile creeps across my face. That fire makes me want to push her buttons and see what makes her tick.

“Is that so?” I reply, my voice low and dangerous. “And here I thought I was being charming.”

She rolls her eyes and gives a little snort. “If charming means acting like a caveman, then sure.”

I choke out another laugh. Jesus, she’s fucking irresistible.

“I prefer to think of it as being assertive,” I say, locking eyes with hers. “I know what I want, and I go after it.” The message is unmistakable, and with any other woman in this room, I know I’d be dragged to a bedroom before I’d spoken the words. But this one… This one is going to fight me.

She raises an eyebrow, her expression scornful. “And what exactly do you want?”

I step closer to her, my body buzzing with anticipation as I lean down and murmur into her ear, “Right now? I want you.”

Her eyes widen in shock, and then she shakes her head, a look of disbelief on her face. “You- You arrogant bastard! I don’t even know who you are.”

That takes me by surprise. Everyone in this damn room knows who I am. Fuck, everyone in this whole city is terrified of the reputation I’ve built here. And yet she has no idea? This just keeps getting better and better.

I grin at her. “I’m Luka, and you’re the clumsy waitress who just ruined my suit.”

She rolls her eyes again. “Well, I’m not interested in whatever game you’re playing, Luka.” She drags my name out as if it’s an insult. If I have my way, she’s going to be screaming it as she comes by the end of the night. I lean in closer, my lips almost brushing against hers.

“Oh, I think you are,” I say, my voice a low growl. I can see the flicker of attraction in her eyes, the way a hint of a flush colors her cheeks. But something else is there, too, lurking just beneath the surface. Fear, maybe? It’s gone as quickly as it appears, but I catch it. Her brows pull together, and then her eyes widen a fraction. It’s an odd reaction, one that piques my curiosity.

“What’s your name?” I ask her, still holding her wrist. I take a step closer.

“It’s Sophi-a…rgh!” she stumbles over her words, rolling her eyes. “Fine, it’s just Sophia. My name is Sophia. Now you know. Let me go,” she hisses, her eyes blazing with anger.

“Sophia,” I repeat, savoring the name on my tongue. “It suits you, and it has a nice ring to it. Especially when you add that little groan at the end.”
