Page 115 of The Oath of Seduce

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Trust, love?

The need to protect those close to you, even when you know you shouldn’t.

I’m a fool, just like my old man.

I want to keep her close, want to protect her, even though I know she betrayed me. It’s that nasty, rotten trust again, rearing its ugly head.

I should have learned from my father’s mistakes, should have seen the betrayal coming, but here I am, looking into her eyes, and I know I’m going to do it, anyway.

Because I am my father’s son.

I have trust for this woman. That very trust might be my downfall, but I can’t help it. I can’t help but hope that my instinct is right. About her. Even when I know it’s a risk and it might be the death of me.

She pulls me to her lips; we seal the promise with a kiss, one that’s not about lust or need but something deeper.

Trust. Commitment. Love. Whatever the fuck it is.

I finally start the engine of the Lambo, its purr a growl of anticipation. Pushing my phone out at the same time, I hit the number “1” on the keypad, and Dimitri’s number pops up. It rings twice, then I hear his voice, always ready, always on alert.

“D,” I say, no need for pleasantries. “It’s time.”

I can hear him straighten on the other end, the shuffling of papers, the intake of breath. He knows what my words mean. He knows what must be done.

“What do you need from me, Luka?” he asks, voice steady, loyal to the end.

“We’ll need to strike tonight,” I say, my words heavy with unspoken fury and determination.

“No delays, no second thoughts. Aleks won’t see us coming.”

There’s a pause, a heartbeat of time when the world hangs in the balance. Then Dimitri’s voice comes back, resolute and unyielding.

“We’ll be ready.”

Chapter 55


THE COLD takes its grip on the evening, yet here I am, drenched in sweat beneath layers of Kevlar and tactical gear. One would think being a mafia boss prepped for an assault would mean luxury suits and polished shoes.

But tonight? It’s all about armor and readiness.

Looking around, most of the guys are in position, ready to strike.

“You good?” I nod.

We’re deep in Alek’s warehouse, and the air is thick with the foul stench of his sins. Decay, piss, and a darker odor that speaks of forbidden acts and broken souls permeate the place. Dimitri’s gaze is like a knife, slicing through the darkness, never settling, always searching.

Erik…he looks like he’s one wrong word away from snapping someone’s neck. As for me? Every fiber of my being screams for violence, a raw, unbridled need to unleash chaos. Yet Aleks is nowhere to be found. The slimy fucker is probably hiding in some hole, like the rat he is.

Tonight, however, Aleks isn’t the priority.

We’re here for Sophia’s worthless junkie brother and her dear friend. That’s the mission. That’s the fucking goal.

I keep my promise, always.

Beside us stands an army – the culmination of Mafia unity. Families that once spilled each other’s blood now stand shoulder to shoulder, a force of vengeance, ready to rain hell on Aleks and his goons.

“Ready?” I ask, my voice low.
