Page 123 of The Oath of Seduce

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My heart aches for him, and without thinking, I pull him into a tight hug. A long, desperate hug that says all the things I can’t put into words. Wren, watching us, suddenly moves forward to join in, her arms encircling us both.

“It’s okay, Nilo,” I reassure him, brushing his hair from his forehead. “You’re safe now. We’ll get through this,” I whisper into Nilo’s ear, tears streaming down my face. “We’ll fight this together.”

I pull back, hastily wiping my tears with the back of my hand, and turn toward Wren., hugging her intensely. My best friend. “Wren, I’m so, so sorry for getting you into this mess.” I’m crying and laughing at the same time.

“It’s not your fault, Soph,” Wren insists, her voice steady even as she returns my embrace. “It’s that motherfucker Aleks.”

Pulling back, I suddenly realize that Wren is only wrapped up in a thin white blanket. No clothes, nothing else. I blink, confusion written all over my face. “What on earth…? What the hell happened to your clothes?”

She shrugs, a wicked gleam in her eye, all casual nonchalance. “Lost ‘em in a bet. But don’t worry, this blanket’s doing the job.”

“Wha-what bet?”

“I’m just kidding, Soph. But like I said, everything’s under control.”

I can’t help but feel the anger building. “Someone find Wren some damn clothes!” I snap, my eyes flitting around the room.

Wren laughs that wild, uncontrolled laugh of hers. “Oh, come on, Soph, this is nothing new.” I want to strangle her and hug her at the same time.

Then, with a swift motion, Dimitri pulls off his shirt, muscles and scars bared. He throws it to Wren.

“Thanks,” Wren says, snatching the shirt out of the air with a quick movement. She pulls it on. Dimitri’s massive shirt transforms on her – big enough to be a dress, hanging loosely and draping over her curvaceous figure.

“Well, don’t I look ravishing?” Wren quips, giving a playful twirl. “I should wear men’s clothing more often.”

With a wink, she gives Dimitri her signature seductive smile, the one that’s been known to bring most men to their knees. Caught off guard, Dimitri quickly turns his head away.

I never thought I’d see Dimitri reacting this way to anyone.

“Enough playing around,” Erik drawls, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, a teasing glint in his eye. He levels his gaze at Wren. “Your turn, Missy. Time to spill what you know.”

Chapter 59



I glance at the phone. “Sophia’s back home. Safe.” Damn, it feels good to exhale. But the tension doesn’t stay gone for long.

Erik leans forward, adjusting the collar of his impeccable shirt. Guy always looks like he stepped straight out of a damned magazine shoot. “Remember that little nugget Wren spilled earlier? About Aleks planning some sort of ‘housewarming’ gift on our turf?”

Gritting my teeth, I nod. “Bastard’s planning to hit us at home.”

“I know when it’s gonna happen.” He glances at me.

“Sophia got word from this Anya.” I forcefully set my phone on the table. “She gave a hint about something brewing for Yulia’s birthday.”

“Bullseye.” Without a word, Erik takes a dart from the side table. With controlled anger, he hurls it straight into a dartboard across the room, hitting dead center.

I squeeze my brow together. “This Anya bitch, we knew about her?”

Dimitri’s face twists in disgust. “Yup, that bloody janitor finally confessed that he was on Aleks’s payroll and got Anya onto our turf.”

“How much did he get paid?” I am curious.

“Eh…fifty grand.” Eric shrugs.

“Is that all it takes to betray us?” Dimitri’s voice is cold, deadly.
