Page 126 of The Oath of Seduce

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“But we’ll need a fucking plan to protect Yulia at all costs,” Erik says quietly.


Dimitri’s face twists as he considers the danger to my baby sister.

I glance at the itinerary again, pausing at the grand finale for the plans of the day. Something about the delivery catches my eye.

“Glitz and Blaze Pyrotechnics,” I read out the company name. We all look at each other, our eyes wide. It’s a name that echoes Aleks’s cunning, and in that moment, it’s clear to all of us. That’s how he’s planning to get in, masking himself as a delivery man and worker for the fireworks setup.

Dimitri’s jaw clenches as he bangs his hand against the wall. “The crafty bastard’s going to waltz right into our party.”

Erik’s eyes narrow, deep in thought. “We’ll be waiting for him. Let’s turn his trick against him.”

Dimitri paces, his eyes glinting with fury as he considers the options. “We’ll put our own guys with the circus crew. Blades, guns, anything we need, hidden in plain sight. He won’t even see it coming.”

“Don’t forget about Yulia,” Erik says.

I clench my fists, my voice a low growl. “I’d rather die than put Yulia at risk, but there’s no other way. She’s an Ivankov, and that bastard Aleks won’t resist the bait.”

“We’ll guard her like a pack of wolves. If that mad dog Aleks thinks he can touch her, he’ll find our teeth tearing his throat out,” Erik vows, his words a savage promise.

Dimitri looks at me, his eyes intense. “We love Yulia more than life itself. But to kill that devil, we need to use her.”

Erik’s fist clenches at the reminder of what’s at stake. “I’ll get the men ready.” He stands abruptly, his movement decisive. “Aleks won’t know what hit him.”

“Don’t go soft on me, bratan,” I warn, my eyes on Erik.

Erik laughs, a harsh, bitter sound. “No chance in hell.” And with that, he leaves the room.

Dimitri doesn’t leave. I know what he’s going to ask me next.

“What’s happening to Nilo, that fucking crackhead?” Dimitri asks, his tone cutting. “He’s lucky he’s not dead.”

I lean back, my eyes cold as I consider his fate. “Rehab. A private center. He’ll clean up, or he won’t be breathing much longer.”

“And Wren?” The change in Dimitri’s voice is hard to miss, almost dripping with something more. A softness? Concern? The way he lingers on her name gives away more than he probably intends.

“She’s bunkering down until everything’s settled,” I say, fixing him with a piercing look.

“Good.” He’s quick with that reply, too damn quick. Trying to mask something, but it’s like a neon sign in a dark alley, glaring and obvious. Seems he’s caught a little “feeling bug,” the damned fool.

I smirk internally. Fucking emotions, always tripping up the best of us at the worst times. I’d have half a mind to call him out on it but now’s not the time. With Aleks on our doorstep, we’ve got bigger fires to extinguish.

He inhales deeply from his cigarette, then grinds it out on the floor.

“You didn’t kill Sophia,” Dimitri finally states, his voice probing. “Even after she told you about the bugs she planted. You forget our rules about betrayal? It’s death, Luka.”

I keep quiet for a long moment, my mind racing. The words are there, but saying them out loud makes it real.

Finally, I meet his eyes. “I will not kill my woman and the mother of my child

Chapter 60



But the moment I wake up, it hits me again like a ton of bricks.

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