Page 130 of The Oath of Seduce

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The Ivankov. I take a deep breath and straighten my back, pushing the fear down.

Yes, Luka kept his promise.

He saved Nilo and Wren.

It’s been a long time since anyone made me feel protected. Not since Mom and Dad died, not since Nana fell ill and Nilo went off the deep end.

No one’s looked out for me like this until now.

The room’s busy, filled with people scurrying about, but it’s all just noise to me. My mind is fixated on Luka, on his words, on the feelings he stirs up inside me. It’s unfamiliar and scary, yet it’s something I realize I’ve been needing all along.

I’ve been alone for so long.

Is it wrong to want this?

To want to feel secure and protected when everything’s on the brink of collapse? That’s what Luka’s offering me, and it’s tantalizing. It’s a lifeline in a world where I’ve been adrift for so long. His promises, his touch, they make me feel like everything might just be okay.

Walking into Yulia’s room, my eyes lock onto Anya, who’s combing Yulia’s hair like she’s got every right in the world to be there. My heart kicks into overdrive, and a nasty taste fills my mouth.

“Hello, Ms. William,” she greets me, and that damn smile on her face has me clenching my fists. She’s playing a game, acting like a doting caregiver. “I found Yulia alone in her room and thought I would keep her company.”

I want to grab her by the hair and demand answers. But I can’t. I’ve got to act “normal.” Whatever the fuck that means.

“Hi, Anya,” I reply, forcing a sweetness into my voice that makes my skin crawl. I inch closer to Yulia, feigning nonchalance. “I was just out in the kitchen to refill some water for her.”

My mind’s racing a mile a minute. How the fuck did she get past everyone? What’s she doing here?

Without warning, she’s up and yanking me toward the bathroom. I flinch, but she doesn’t seem to notice, her eyes darting as she whispers. “Everything is on track today. Bring Yulia to the barn at eight tonight.”

My heart pounds in my ears. “What? Why?” I choke out, panic edging my voice.

Her grin morphs into something wicked, something evil. “Because we have a surprise for the Ivankov. If you want to see your brother and that bitch best friend of yours, you’d better listen to me.”

I fight the urge to lash out. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know that Nilo and Wren have been rescued.

But why?

I shove my fear down and put on a mask of obedience. “Of course, Anya. I’ll do whatever you need.”

Her eyes narrow, and she leans closer. “Remember, eight at the barn, and don’t fuck this up.”

I nod, pretending to fall in line. “I understand.”

Her laugh is a cold, cruel sound. “See that you do.”

She leaves, and I’m left reeling, fury and terror warring inside me. I glance over at Yulia, her innocent eyes wide and curious.

“Where did Anya go?”

“She just had to run an errand,” I say with a soft smile.” My gaze drifts to Max, who’s gnawing happily on his favorite squeaky toy. “Look at Max. He’s already excited about your party. The circus crew will be there, remember?”

Yulia’s face lights up. “Luka said they’ll do all those amazing tricks and stunts, too!”

“Yes, and Max will probably outshine them all. Might even learn a trick or two from them.”

Her joy dims for a second, and she looks up at me with big, worried eyes. “What about Luka, Dima, and Erik? Will they be able to come? I miss them so much.”

I bend down to hug her, trying to convey reassurance. “I know you do, sweetheart. They’ll try their best to be there. They wouldn’t want to miss your special day.”
