Page 145 of The Oath of Seduce

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“One day,” Ekaterina continues, her voice full of a mother’s wisdom and a touch of solemnity, “little Yulia will wear this on her wedding day.”

“I don’t wanna get married!” Yulia suddenly blurts out. “So, Sophia, you can keep it forever!”

I laugh at her fierce determination.

“Yulia, darling, you might change your mind one day,” Ekaterina says, her eyes twinkling as she looks at her.

“Maybe, but for now, Sophia can be the princess, and I’ll be the fairy,” Yulia responds, making everyone laugh.

Just as I’m about to reply to Yulia’s delightful stance on matrimony, there’s a firm knock at the door. It’s the sort of knock that doesn’t ask for entry but rather demands it. The door swings open, and there, framed in the doorway, stands Svetlana.

“Miss Sophia, the time has come. You are required downstairs,” she announces, her voice as cold and unyielding as a winter in Siberia.

Wren eyes her and chuckles. “You do realize it’s a wedding, not a military operation, right?”

Svetlana’s gaze doesn’t waver as she fixes her eyes on me. “Are you prepared?”

I look around the room one last time, locking eyes with each person – Wren’s irreverent grin, Ekaterina’s maternal warmth, Nana’s wise nod, and little Yulia’s youthful exuberance.

“Yes,” I finally reply, “I’m ready.”


The sun’s dropping low on the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and gold. From up here, the lake house below looks like some damn postcard. But none of that matters; my eyes are scanning the distance, waiting for the first glimpse of Sophia.

Dimitri is standing next to the towering tombstone of my parents that dominates the hill, intricately carved depictions of their glamorous selves captured forever in pristine marble that refuses to dull, no matter the years it’s endured. Simple lines, regal designs, and elegant inscriptions are a testament to their legacy and style. Ostentation was never their thing. They always preferred intimacy, a close circle. Just like tonight – it’s just us, family.

Dimitri’s face is more serious than the occasion calls for. “You sure about this? Marriage is a life sentence, you know.”

“Fuck off, D,” I growl, not in the mood for his philosophical shit right now. “You think I’d be here if I wasn’t sure?”

And then I see her.

Sophia steps out onto the hillside, and for a moment, everything else fades away. She’s a vision, even from this distance. Her dress clings to her like it was made just for her, which it probably was.

“Fuck me,” I breathe out, momentarily forgetting that the guys, and even the minister, are standing beside me.

“Ready for this?” Erik asks, clapping a hand on my shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips.

I let out a shaky breath, gripping my fists to steady myself. “More ready than I’ve ever been for anything.”

My attention is fixated on Sophia. She’s now close enough that the intricate patterns of her dress come into view, shimmering as they catch the last remnants of the day’s sun. I can’t help but inhale sharply; the sight of her is overwhelming.

God! She’s absolutely breathtaking, and in this moment, the world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of us.

The delicate veil hides most of her face, but I catch that familiar chin dip – a silent, graceful acknowledgment as she continues her walk, each step calculated and assured. And there’s Wren, guiding Sophia, ever the graceful companion. The two of them make quite the pair.

Dimitri leans in, his voice a low whisper. “She’s a vision, isn’t she?”

Caught off-guard, I can only nod, wondering if he’s talking about Wren or Sophia. My mind wanders, just for a second, to the memory of my parents. It’s a comforting thought, the idea that they might be watching over me, blessing this union from afar.

“The Pakhan would be over the moon for you, Luka,” Erik says.

“Yeah,” I reply, the significance of the moment settling in.

This is it. The beginning of a new chapter.

Suddenly, a burst of energy catches my eye. “Luka! Erik! Dima!” Yulia calls out, her voice full of mirth. The sight of her is enough to draw a chuckle from me. Dressed in a little frock that matches the wedding’s theme, she leads the way, with Max trotting dutifully by her side. In one hand, she holds a flower basket, and with the other, she waves enthusiastically at us. Her face is lit up, brighter than any star, eyes sparkling with excitement.
