Page 147 of The Oath of Seduce

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Max, always the loyal companion, chimes in with an enthusiastic bark, his tail wagging in harmony with the mood of the room.

Laughter bubbles up from the small crowd gathered, the lightness of the moment shared by all.

Erik, looking a touch impatient but with a smirk on his face, says, “I think it’s time we head down to celebrate.” He arches an eyebrow, his gaze drifting momentarily towards the lakeside. “My whiskey awaits, after all.”

“I think we’ve had enough of formalities,” I remark, watching as the guests begin to make their way toward the lakeside celebration. The scent of the food drifting up from the lake is inviting.

Wren, with her ever-playful demeanor, chuckles. “You may think so, but there’s still the matter of the bouquet.”

Sophia’s eyes light up with mischief. “Ah! Wait. Almost forgot.” She takes a step back, clutching the bouquet.

Erik smirks. “Just throw it to Wren and save us the theatrics.”

But as Sophia swings her arm back and releases the bouquet, it’s Dimitri – of all people – who unexpectedly catches it, his reflexes as a seasoned fighter coming into play. He stares down at the bouquet, his face a canvas of surprise.

“Fuck,” he mumbles.

Sophia bursts into laughter.

Looking at her, a realization hits.

I can’t think of happiness without her in it.

Dimitri, trying to play it cool with the bouquet in hand, mutters, “It just…flew my way.”

Wren teases, “Looks like fate’s sending you a message.”

“Then you can have it,” Dimitri retorts, tossing the bouquet in Wren’s direction.

With a swift move, she catches it. “No!” she shouts out.

Yulia tugs at my sleeve, her big eyes wide with innocence, “Does this mean Dimitri and Wren will get married next?”

I chuckle, ruffling her hair. “Maybe, Malyška.”

I wrap an arm around Sophia, pulling her close. This moment, with friends, laughter, and love, is all I’ve ever wanted. The beast in me is at peace, all thanks to the beauty beside me.



Two years later

THE TROPICAL scent of plumerias surrounds me as I lounge beneath a shady palm, baby Natalya nestled next to me. She coos, her tiny hands playing with a colorful lei draped over her lap. The vibrant flowers contrast beautifully against her white sundress. Her striking blue eyes, the same hue as Luka’s, are filled with wonder as they dart from one fascinating object to the next.

Absentmindedly, I touch my barely visible baby bump, and a tingling sense of excitement mixed with a dash of nervousness surges through me. It’s still early days, but there’s a gut feeling, or maybe it’s a maternal instinct, that it might be a boy this time. Just thinking about how Luka’s eyes shone when he first held Natalya does something to my heart.

“Ma-ma-ma,” she mumbles, reaching out to hand me a plumeria blossom she’s plucked from her lei. Every day, her speech becomes clearer, though Luka had the pleasure of hearing her first clear “dada.” A memory that still has him walking on air, especially since those eyes of hers always search for him – eyes with Luka’s depth and my warmth.

My gaze shifts, searching for him, and there he is, playing with Yulia and her friends by the shoreline, laughing as they craft a sand fortress. Luka’s sun-kissed skin, glistening under the rays, sends a familiar, electric thrill down my spine. I bite my lip, trying to suppress those sinful thoughts, but damn, even with a child and another on the way, my husband is still a walking temptation.

Damn hormones on hyperdrive much?

“Mm…ma…da…da.” Natalya’s small voice interrupts my dirty thoughts. Her little fingers grip the fabric of my bikini, tugging it down with a determined look in her eyes. Recognizing her hunger, I help her out, pulling the bikini aside just enough for her to access my nipple. She latches on immediately, eyes half-lidding with satisfaction. I can’t help but smile, brushing a soft kiss atop her head, marveling at the intimate bond we share in these moments. The world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of us, mother and daughter, connecting in the simplest yet most profound way.

Taking a deep breath, the gentle warmth of sunlight caresses my face.

It’s invigorating.
