Page 17 of The Oath of Seduce

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Holy shit. Fuck. What the hell did I just do?

I can’t believe I just had the most incredible, earth-shattering sex with a freaking stranger. A freaking Bratva boss who could have killed me while he had me tied to his bed.

God, he would have killed me if he knew why I was here.

What on earth was I thinking?

Right, I wasn’t thinking.

My body is a delicious mess of satisfaction and exhaustion, but It’s time to set up these microchips and get the hell out of Dodge.

I wait for a few moments, then cautiously creep away from him, trying not to jostle the bed too much. I can’t help but take one last look at Luka’s sleeping form – his chiseled chest rising and falling with each breath, his face relaxed in slumber.

Convinced that he’s truly out cold, I gingerly slip away, wincing as the chilly air hits my exposed skin.

“Slow-ly,” I whisper to myself, tiptoeing around the room, my bare feet barely making a sound against the luxurious carpet. My heart thumps in my chest like a bass drum, and I glance over my shoulder at Luka every few seconds, scared shitless that he’ll wake up and catch me red-handed.

I sneak into the en suite bathroom, where I’m greeted by the sight of a luxurious, spa-like haven.

“Damn, the entire bathroom is bigger than my apartment,” I mumble under my breath. I waste no time in cleaning myself up under the warm, cascading spray of the opulent shower. As the water washes away the evidence of our earlier activities, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My reflection stares back at me with grim resolve.

You’re doing this for Nilo!

I have to keep my eyes on the prize. I have to get my brother out of that shithole, no matter what it takes.

With newfound determination, I pull on my damp underwear, goosebumps prickling my flesh, and take a deep breath to steady myself. I pat my hair, which, miraculously, is still in some semblance of a ponytail, despite his rough handling. Quickly checking the bobby pins, I leave the bathroom with my heart pounding. Taking a glance around the bedroom, I mentally plan my first move, searching for the perfect spot to start my mission.

My fingers shake as I pry the tiny microchip out of one of the bobby pins and into my palm. I inch toward the lamp on Luka’s desk, my eyes darting back and forth between it and the sleeping giant. Carefully, ever so slowly, I wedge the microchip under the lampshade, making damn sure it’s hidden from view.

Just as I’m about to back away, Luka suddenly turns in his sleep, and I freeze in place, my heart leaping up into my throat. I hold my breath, praying he won’t wake up, but his breathing stays steady, and his eyes remain closed. He must be worn out from all that tension released from earlier, I think to myself, relief washing over me like a wave.

A wry smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I think of those moments. Jesus, the man’s a walking, talking sex machine…and now a sleeping one, thank God. Relishing my small victory, I allow myself to exhale and take a step back from the desk.

That’s when I spot it. A door on the far side of the room. My heart skips a beat as curiosity piques me. That must be the next spot for the microchip. But as I approach, I notice the biometric fingerprint scanner next to the door. Shit. There’s no way I’m getting in there without Luka’s help, and that’s definitely not happening.

So, Plan B it is. I’m pretty sure I glimpsed a meeting room outside his bedroom when he hauled me in here earlier. That will have to do. As I tiptoe across the room, I spot my dress carelessly thrown to the side. Scooping it up, I tug the torn scraps of it back together. God, the man ripped it like it was paper… The thought makes me shudder as I remember those strong hands and how they played my body like an instrument. The dress is ruined, but I manage to tug the edges closed and belt it in place with my apron. It won’t hold for long, but right now, I’m grateful for the extra layer of protection against the chill.

Trying to remember the location of the meeting room, I think back to the moment I’d received these damn instructions. My stomach churns, bile rising in my throat at the memory of Aleks, his cold, cruel eyes, and his voice dripping with malice as he laid out his twisted plan for me.

“You listen to me, you little shit,” Aleks had snarled, his words laced with venom. “You’re going to sneak into Luka’s stronghold and plant these fucking microchips. I don’t care how you do it, but you better make damn sure they’re well hidden. One in his bedroom, one in the main meeting room, and one in his private office. Do it right, or your brother will suffer the consequences. And trust me, I’ll make sure everyone you care about ends up six feet under.”

His sinister laugh had echoed in my ears long after he’d spoken those words, a cold sweat breaking out on my skin at the thought of what would happen if I failed.

I steal one last look at Luka, his ripped chest moving gently with each breath, his face peaceful in sleep. Damn, it’s fucking crazy that this gorgeous, intimidating hunk is the one I’m betraying. But I can’t get all caught up in that right now; I’ve got work to do.

Making my way toward the door, I pass a large dresser and freeze at the sight of a photo resting on its surface. A pretty little girl with bright eyes and a grin to match is nestled in Luka’s strong arms, both of them beaming with joy. The juxtaposition of the tender moment against the violence and danger that surrounds this man leaves me feeling conflicted, my heart aching in my chest.

Who is she? Is she his daughter?

Oh, God! Is he married?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I remind myself yet again why I’m here. With one last lingering glance at the photo, I slip out of the room, trying not to let the sight of Luka’s softer side derail me from my mission.

As I step out of the door, I listen intently for any sounds that might indicate someone nearby. The corridor is dimly lit, lined with ornate doors that seem to stretch on forever. My heart races with each step, fearing I might be discovered.

Navigating through the sprawling mansion, I pass what appears to be a lavish dining room, an opulent living area, and a well-stocked library, each more extravagant than the last. The scent of Luka’s expensive cologne lingers in the air, a constant reminder of the dangerous man I’ve been so close to.

Finally, I spot a door at the end of the hallway that seems to be slightly ajar, a soft light spilling out from within. Feeling a mix of relief and trepidation, I approach the door cautiously, praying that it’s the meeting room I’ve been searching for.
