Page 44 of The Oath of Seduce

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“What the hell?!” I shriek, my voice reverberating off the walls building. I try to dodge past her, but end up stumbling awkwardly.

No! I am going to die.

The hard ground rushes up to meet me, and I know in that moment this is it – my final moments here in this wretched place on this majestic marble staircase. I close my eyes tightly, expecting the worst. Suddenly, a large, commanding hand encircles my waist, arresting my downward spiral. The hand feels absurdly secure, like some sort of superhero swooping in to save a helpless damsel in distress. In a heartbeat, I’m hoisted up and steadied on my feet, narrowly escaping a humiliating faceplant and a not-so-glamorous exit.

Holy fuck!

I open my eyes, a burst of fear coursing through me as I take in Luka. He stands tall, face stern, his blue eyes icy. They are deep pools of ocean water reflecting the light in a way that reminds me of liquid sapphire.

“Already causing a scene on your first day of work?” His gaze does not waver as he speaks in a low voice.

Great. Just fucking great!

Chapter 21


“DÉJÀ VI.” I grunt to myself, a smirk curling my lips as I recall that day when Sophia had managed to douse me in Whiskey. What a picture she was, eyes as round as dinner plates, her lips parting in stunned silence, while the icy liquid made a mockery of my shirt.

Now she stands before me, her hands resting on my chest, and my cock hardens as I take in her appearance up close. Her eyes, wide with surprise and vulnerability, lock onto mine. Her lashes are thick and dark, framing those huge eyes in a way that is…captivating. And as for her lips…I can still remember how sweet they tasted. I tighten my grip on her waist, pulling her body even closer.

God, I want her so fucking bad.

“Thank- thank you!” Sophia tries to push me away, but I don’t release her just yet, enjoying the heat of her body and the flustered look on her face.

Blyat! Feeling Sophia’s plump breasts pressed against my hard chest sends a jolt of desire straight to my groin. I want those soft, full mounds in my hands again, my fingers teasing her nipples until they’re hard and begging for attention. The thought of tasting her, taking her, makes my blood thrum with a carnal hunger I seem to have only with Sophia.

Fuck, this is driving me wild.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Ivankov,” Svetlana interjects as the three of us stand awkwardly by the staircase.

“Lukaaaa!!” Suddenly, a high-pitched squeal breaks the tension. Yulia dashes toward us, her legs moving with remarkable speed. The sound of paws on the marble floor announces Max, the puppy, close behind her. Towering behind them, Dimitri lumbers along, carrying grocery bags, a striking contrast to the lively pair ahead of him.

“Look what we got!” Yulia exclaims with excitement as she points at the bags Dimitri is carrying. “We’re gonna make pizza with Dima!”

Dimitri, doing his best to maintain his stoic expression, can’t quite hide his curiosity as he sees Sophia, still in my arms. The corner of his mouth twitches ever so slightly. He shifts the weight of the grocery bags in his massive hands uncomfortably. Clearly, domesticity is not in his repertoire.

“That sounds like fun,” I say, slightly annoyed as Sophia finally manages to wriggle free from me. She brushes herself off and takes a step back, giving me a quick, apologetic smile.

“Yes—” Yulia stops mid-sentence, her breath and movements coming to a complete standstill. She brings her hands together in front of her, her mouth falling open in a wide “O” as she looks at Sophia curiously. “Are you an angel?” She tilts her head slightly, and her gaze roams up and down Sophia’s body. She looks fascinated. I can’t blame her. I’ve been staring too.

“I- I am Sophia, your new nanny,” Sophia takes a deep breath, glancing nervously from Yulia to Max and to Dimitri.

“New nanny?” Dimitri’s deep voice spills into the room, making Sophia jump. He looks curiously from Yulia to Sophia. There’s something about his attention that’s different – a glint of recognition.

Sophia subtly tucks her hair behind her ear, ducking her head to avoid his stare. It’s almost as if she hopes the simple act will allow her to avoid eye contact.

What was that about?

Suddenly, Yulia’s voice rings out like a bell, “So, are you gonna be Luka’s new wife, too?” Her eyes are shining as if she’s just solved the most amazing mystery.

This kid has zero filters.

Sophia’s cheeks flush a deep shade of red. I watch her as she stammers, trying to find the right words.

“Oh, no, Yulia, I’m just here to be your nanny, not…not Luka’s wife.”
