Page 45 of The Oath of Seduce

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I can’t hide my amusement, and I don’t bother to. I chuckle under my breath. Yulia looks back and forth between us, disappointment flickering across her face.

“But you two would be just like Belle and the Beast!” Yulia insists eagerly. “You look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast!” Yulia exclaims, clapping her hands with glee. “And Luka is the Beast!”

“I guess that makes me a very handsome beast, then.” I can’t help but laugh at her comparison, though I’m not thrilled about being compared to a Disney character.

Dimitri finally lets out a low laugh, his stoic facade cracking just a little as he watches the scene unfold.


“Alright, alright,” I concede, “Let’s get started on making pizza, huh? We can discuss my love life another time.”

“Yippee!” Yulia’s enthusiasm for pizza-making quickly overshadows her matchmaking attempts.

Thank fuck.

“Miss Williams, it’s time to freshen up and see you to your room,” Svetlana commands, her tone brooking no argument. She looks over at Yulia, her voice growing respectful but still firm. “Miss Ivankov, Miss Sophia will be preparing for the pizza-making. She’ll join you shortly.”

Sophia shifts uncomfortably under the stern scrutiny of Svetlana. She turns to Yulia, forcing a smile. “Don’t worry, Yulia, we’re going to make the yummiest pizza when I get back.”

“Okay.” Yulia pouts. Disappointed, but not enough to kick up a fuss.

The elevator dings, and Erik steps out. I glance at him, my jaw tightening with the understanding of what his arrival means. The faint traces of ruthlessness in his eyes, the steely resolve now melting into casual indifference – all telltale signs of a job just finished in the basement.

His gaze sweeps across the scene, landing on Sophia, who’s still standing awkwardly on the stairs. A brow lifts in amusement, his lips twitching at the corners.

“What’s the big fuss here?” He grins, eyeing Yulia affectionately.

“Just a little getting-to-know-you session,” I say, my own grin mirroring his. “We’re all making pizza tonight. Want in?”

“I never say no to pizza.” His eyes light up.

He bends down, sweeping Yulia into his arms, and she squeals with delight. Even the damn dog wants in on the action, leaping up and yipping for attention. Erik scoops him up, too, balancing the girl and the pup like a seasoned pro.

“Meet Sophia, Erik! She’s my new nanny!” Yulia is bubbling with excitement.

“Hey, I’m Erik. Nice to meet you.” Erik flashes Sophia a smile and a wink.

Fucker! Don’t wink at her.

She’s mine!

Fuck. That thought came out of the blue. I feel my brow furrow, but school my expression before anyone notices.

“Ni-nice to meet you too, Erik.” Sophia looks completely out of her depth.

“And you know what? She’s Bella, and Luka is the Beast!” Yulia sings, her face shining with the innocence that only a child could have.

“Oh, is that so?” Erik bursts into laughter, the sound echoing in the large room. “Nice to meet you, Bella. Watch out for our beast here.” He throws a pointed look at me before turning to Sophia. He winks at her again.


In the background, Dimitri snorts, disappearing into the kitchen with a shake of his head.

“Svoloch,” the word slips out, a low grumble. Erik, that damn tease, always knows how to get under my skin. But even as I seethe, there’s a strange warmth that unfurls within me. I am…content.

Sophia’s eyes catch mine, a hint of something I can’t quite place flickering there. It’s as if she’s seeing me in a new light as she takes in the strange camaraderie that exists in our little mafia family. I smirk at her, enjoying her bewilderment.

Life in the mafia isn’t a fairytale, that’s for sure. But it isn’t all doom and gloom either. Dimitri and Erik have been Yulia’s guardians since she was three, ever since I was locked up.
