Page 5 of The Oath of Seduce

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“How am I supposed to do that?” I snap. I look up at him with a fierce rage burning in my chest, using it as fuel to face any task he throws at me. I hold on to the feeling, wondering where I fit into all this.

“I need you to infiltrate his house and bug all the important rooms there. Specifically, his private office that’s attached to his bedroom,” Aleks says.

“And why can’t any of your lackeys do it? Why kidnap an innocent woman and drag her into your sick games?” I ask as I shoot a glare at the two men behind him.

“Because,” he starts as if the reason was very obvious, “if Luka catches an intruder, they won’t make it out of his house alive. Girls like you are expendable; my men are not.”

“What?” I whisper, uncertain I heard him right. “What kind of man would do that?”

“Let’s just say he’s in the business of crime,” my captor says coolly.

Oh, God. He wants me to spy on a mobster!

“But…but how am I supposed to do that?” I blurt.

“He’ll be having a celebration at his estate in two days. Sneak into the party. Bug his bedroom and office and get the fuck out. If Luka finds out you’re spying for me, he’ll end your life right there on the spot.”

“I-I…” My words fail me as I hear his requests.

This is a suicide mission!

I take a deep breath, gathering my courage. “If I do this for you, if I risk my life to spy for you, you have to promise me one thing,” I say, my voice shaking but firm.

He raises an eyebrow, seemingly amused by my audacity. “And what is that?”

“You let my brother go…unharmed. You leave him alone, and you never come near him or my family again. That’s the only way I’ll do this.”

For a moment, Aleks looks like he’s weighing his options, and I hold my breath, hoping he’ll agree to my terms.

Finally, he smirks and nods. “Fine. Do this for me, and your brother goes free. But remember, you better not fail, or the consequences will be dire.”

“You keep your word, and I’ll keep mine,” I say firmly, even though my stomach is churning with anxiety. But if it means ensuring my brother’s safety, I don’t care what kind of mission this is – I’ll walk straight into the fucking lion’s den without a second thought.

“Deal,” says Aleks. “Now let me tell you what the plan is…”

Chapter 3


12 hours before the party

I STAGGER out of the car in the murderous heels that Aleks forced me to wear. They’re half a size too small, and already my feet are killing me. The bastard driver doesn’t even offer a hand, just swings the door open and lets me tumble out ungracefully.

“Get moving,” he snarls, his eyes trailing over me with disdain. “And don’t forget, if you mess this up, you can kiss your dear brother goodbye. We won’t think twice about making him vanish. For good.”

I shoot him a withering glare, clenching my teeth as I suppress the fury bubbling inside me.

In my mind, I’m cursing them all – Aleks, this callous driver, and every other asshole in this sick game. But I can’t let my emotions consume me. My brother’s life hangs in the balance, and I can’t afford even the slightest misstep.

Come on, Sophia, get your head back in the game.

I take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and begin the painful trek toward the entrance.

A grand building with lush gardens spans out before me. I gaze up at the massive pillars, which support a balcony on the second floor and stretch towards the sky like towers. A manor fit for the gods, it is a monument to wealth and power. I take a deep breath and steady my shaking hands, reminding myself of the stakes.

My brother’s life.

My freedom.
