Page 62 of The Oath of Seduce

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But right now, none of the usual macho bullshit matters.

“Sophia,” I say, my voice gruff. She winces as if the sound is a physical blow, her eyes squeezing shut.

Blyat, I’ve really messed this up.

“Hey,” I coax, my hand cupping her cheek. “Look at me.”

She shakes her head, her sobs hitching. “Don’t touch me.”

Ignoring her, I gently tilt her face up to meet mine. Her eyes reluctantly flutter open, the fear and confusion in them a chilling reminder of what I’ve done. “I need you to listen to me,” I tell her softly.

“I don’t want to.”

“Yeah, well, too bad,” I retort, a hint of my usual attitude creeping in. “Because I’m…” I swallow thickly, the words lodged in my throat. “I’m sorry, Sophia.”

Fuck! That was hard.

Three words. Just three damn words, but it feels like I had to pull them out with pliers. But it’s the truth, and she needs to hear it. I’ve fucked up, and it’s high time I own it. As she stares back at me, I hope she sees the sincerity burning in me.

I can’t help but stare at her mouth, her lips swollen and red. She’s irresistible, a siren call I didn’t know I could hear. She’s a fucking mess, but God, she’s beautiful.

“You know I’m not…” I start, my voice quieter than I intended. When I don’t continue, she blinks at me, her breath shuddering out as she waits for me to finish. I take a deep breath, wiping away a stray tear from her cheek. Her skin is so warm under my touch, her scent intoxicating.

“You know I’m not going to hurt you,” I say finally, watching her face. “Not anymore.” Quickly, I scoop her up, her body shivering against mine. Her eyes go even wider, if that’s possible, but she doesn’t fight me.

“Put me down,” she says, but her voice lacks conviction.

“Not going to happen, krasotka,” I reply, adjusting my hold on her. She squeaks in surprise, but doesn’t argue.

Slowly, I set her on the dressing table, her naked body glistening under the harsh bathroom lights. She looks like some kind of nymph, flushed and wet, watching my every move.

Our faces are inches apart, and I can feel her shaky breath against my skin. It’s so fucking tempting, but I force myself to focus. Pulling a towel from the rack, I gently start to pat her dry, starting with her hair.

“Stop staring at me like that,” she mutters, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink. I chuckle, but the sound gets caught in my throat as my gaze falls on her chest. Her nipples, hard and pebbled, are begging for my attention.

Ignoring the sudden tightness in my pants, I take a deep breath and force my gaze back to her face. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen from our earlier encounter. God, she’s so fucking pretty. I want to taste her, to devour her, but I rein myself in.

Gently, I lift her chin, forcing her to look at me, and for a moment, time stands still.

“I’m sorry, Sophia,” I say again, softer this time. Before she can respond, I lean in, pressing a gentle kiss on her tear-stained cheek. Her breath catches as I move to her eyes, kissing away the last traces of her tears.

Slowly, she moves, with trembling fingers tracing the rough stubble on my cheek, then trailing up into my hair. She’s touching me, staring unblinkingly as she explores, learns the contours of my face.

“Krasotka,” I groan, the contact sending a bolt of heat straight to my groin. The bathroom seems to shrink, the steam from the hot water and her closeness making me burn with need.

I pull her closer, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. Her body fits perfectly against mine as if she was made for me. Our breaths mingle, the tension so thick between us it’s almost suffocating.

“Fuck, Sophia,” I growl against her mouth. “Since the moment I saw you, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I don’t do obsession, but you… You’ve crawled under my skin, got me messed up. Couldn’t shake you off, even when I fucking tried.”

She blinks up at me, her lips parting as she takes in my words. “Luka…” she breathes, the sound of my name on her lips sending a jolt of heat through me. “I don’t… I can’t… You should…”

“Should what, krasotka?” I cut her off, my hands tightening on her waist. “Tell me. What should I do?”

There’s a pause, a heavy silence stretching between us. And then she murmurs, “I don’t know…”

Her confession hangs heavy in the air, intensifying the emotions swirling between us. The feel of her body pressed against mine lights a hunger within me. It’s wild, it’s chaotic, but fuck, I can’t pull away. Because the truth is, I don’t want to. Not now. Not ever.

“I…I need to say something too,” Sophia murmurs, her eyes shining with a sincerity that takes me by surprise. Her fingers trace the expanse of my chest, their touch soft yet sure.
