Page 8 of The Oath of Seduce

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A third woman, dressed in a sexy black dress with a neckline that plunges down to her navel, smirks and adds, “Yeah, and don’t forget how freaking powerful he is. He walks into a room, and bam! Everyone’s just shivering with excitement.”

The first woman, her eyes all lit up, leans in and whispers loudly enough to be heard, “Hey, so I heard Luka just got out of jail after four years. Can you imagine how, like, totally desperate he must be for some lovin’? Bet he’s a wild beast in the sack.”

The second woman giggles, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, totally. Can you picture it? All that built-up need, finally getting a chance to let loose on some lucky chick. Damn, I’m getting hot just thinking about it.”

The woman in the black dress licks her lips. “Mmm, I’d do anything to be that girl. To have him take charge, be totally at his mercy… It’d be one hell of a ride, for sure.”

As the women keep gossiping, sharing all kinds of dirty thoughts and sexy stories, I find myself feeling curious about this Luka guy. He’s got everyone so wrapped up in him that I’m almost tempted to find out what the mystery is all about.

“Can you imagine sharing him with a bunch of other girls?” the first woman wonders, fanning herself dramatically. “I mean, if he’s as insatiable as they say, I bet he could handle all of us and then some.”

The second woman grins. “Oh, honey, I’d be more than down for that. Just think – all of us, all tangled up, with him as the main event. We’d be like a harem, and he’d be our king.”

I feel my face heat up, my heart pounding like crazy as their words paint a stream of wild, sexy pictures in my head. I try to shake the thoughts off, but the draw of Luka Ivankov, the dangerous, powerful man who has everyone talking, seems to have somehow grabbed hold of my imagination.

Are you out of your mind, Sophia!?

A shudder runs through me as a chilling thought occurs to me. These women have no idea that if Luka ever finds out what I’m about to do, he’d kill me without a second thought. They’re all enamored with the man, dreaming about sharing him, completely unaware of the danger that lurks beneath his captivating exterior. The thought drags my attention to the reason I’m here. Get the microchips into his bedroom.

But how? Where the hell would it be?

I scan the room, trying to focus on what I came here to do. I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of hallways leading out of this vast ballroom. Each one could lead practically anywhere.

I continue to weave through the crowded party, balancing the tray of champagne glasses precariously on one hand as I try to figure out which direction to go in. This place is huge, and I half wonder if Luka’s got a room for every damn hobby he has. Is there a room just for his collection of rare stamps or something?

Shit, how many damn floors are there in this place?

Throwing caution to the winds, I head toward a pair of ornately carved doors at the far end of the room.

“Tiring work, huh? Care for a drink?” I wink at the hulking bodyguard in front of it. I know he’ll never say yes, but I’m running out of options. I silently curse Aleks for landing me in this mess.

Seriously! How the hell am I supposed to find the right room in this place without getting caught?

Not surprisingly, the bodyguard ignores me, his attention focused on the door he’s guarding. I glance at the door and purse my mouth in frustration.

What’s behind that one? Mr. Ivankov’s secret stash of vintage comic books?

As I distribute the last of the champagne glasses, I nearly faceplant, thanks to my stupid heels, tripping over nothing but air.

Smooth, Sophia, real smooth.

“Damn shoes,” I mutter under my breath, trying to look as casual as possible.

With my tray finally empty, I set it down and muster up the courage to sneak away from the activity and head down one of the hallways. The server’s uniform turns out to be a blessing in disguise. No one bats an eye as I pass more bodyguards standing sentinel outside various doors. As I go, I make up ridiculous scenarios in my head for what could be hidden behind each one. It’s a stupid game, but right now, I need something to distract me from completely freaking out.

By door number five, I’m getting good at it. “Oh, that must be the room where Luka keeps his collection of exotic stuffed animals,” I tell myself, stifling a giggle as I stride past yet another imposing door.

I’ve been discreetly exploring the hallways and peeking into rooms, but so far, I’ve been unable to determine which rooms belong to Luka. Time is running out, and my frustration grows with each passing moment. I need to plant these microchips, but how am I supposed to figure out which rooms are the right ones?

In the back of my mind, the image of my brother’s battered face spurs me on. I have to do this for him. Failure is not an option.

As I sneak down another hallway, I suddenly hear footsteps approaching. My heart leaps into my throat. I quickly duck into a nearby room, holding my breath and praying that it’s just another server or guest. The footsteps grow louder, and then I hear the stern voice of the catering manager.

“Has anyone seen the new girl? She’s been gone for far too long.”

I flatten myself against the wall, my heart thundering. If she catches me, it’s all over. The seconds drag on like hours as I wait, barely daring to breathe. Finally, the footsteps recede, and I exhale in relief. That was too close for comfort.

Just as I start to slip out of the room, her voice pierces the air, freezing me in my tracks.
