Page 83 of Wild at Heart

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We get the horses taken care of, then let them loose in the paddock. Sully’s arms wrap around my waist from behind while I look out over the dark-wood-and-stone house that’s ours. At the barn and our horses and… “Thank you,” I say softly.

“What are you thanking me for?” Sully’s breath is warm against my neck.

“Being my person…my home. I spent my whole life feeling like I didn’t belong, scared to get close, to love, to trust, just like Storm used to be…but you made me fall anyway, taught me to trust, tamed my wild heart, and I’m thankful for that every damn day.”

Sully’s lips move closer to my ear, his voice low and full of emotion. “I’ve loved you since the moment you stepped foot on this ranch. I knew it the second I saw you—all grumbly and angry at the world.”

I chuckle before he continues. “I’ll love you to the day I die, Porter Sullivan-Dixon. I love that wild heart of yours. If anyone is thankful, it’s me…that you trust me with it, that just like Storm connected with you, you connected with me. You’re just like that mustang. You protect your heart, but when you give it, you give it completely. And I’ll take care of it with everything in me.”

I turn, hook my finger beneath his chin, and look at him. “I know you will.” I swat his ass. “Now get that sexy butt of yours in the house and show me who you belong to.”

“Yeehaw!” he shouts playfully before running into our house. I chase him there, and we hang our hats by the door before going to our room and giving ourselves to each other, the way we always have.

* * *
