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Chapter 7


A hatch opened in the floor of the old chicken coup, revealing a hole with a wooden chest containing various kinds of weapons. One of the kings and I pulled out the chest and spread the weapons out on the dirt floor. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me as I knelt and picked up a wooden nunchaku which reminded me of my father.

In my earlier years, I’d been a rebel, refusing to learn the business of my family. I thought that my brother was a more adequate candidate than I was, to inherit the company. I also thought we had many years before I would enter the family business. Little did I know exactly what would happen and how I would be the next one at the forefront.

I placed the nunchaku beside me on the ground and reached for a silver Glock, one like that of my mother’s. This time a homesick feeling twisted my stomach into knots. I closed my eyes, longing for my mother’s hugs.

Neeky stooped beside me. “Hey, I can see you miss home.”


“I know we can’t replace your home back in Italy, but I was hoping that you’d consider this your second home.”

I reached over and caressed her chin with my thumb. “Baby, wherever you are, is my home. I only miss my parents … and my brother.”

Cupping my face, she leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. “I can’t make you miss them less, but I will make Jamaica everything you’d hope it would be, and more.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

Our eyes locked in for a few minutes as a forcefield swirled around us. The moment was broken only by one of the Kings who cleared his throat. Neeky and I both glanced at his way before chuckling happily as we continued to pick out the weapons we wanted to use. Our understanding was that Rusty’s artillery was well stocked with the latest high-powered weapons. I wanted to laugh out loud at what I was staring at in this old shed. The battle between Rusty and us was going to be a test of skill and tactics, nothing more.

Neeky reached into the pile and brought a bowie knife, handing it to me. “I know this isn’t what you are used to, but I know you will use it well.”

“It will do mighty well. It will serve its purpose.”

Whatever weapons were not selected by Uncle and his man, or Neeky and I, were returned to the chest and buried back in the hole. When we returned to the house uncle received a message from Mass Joe that he wanted to see me. I was surprised because I’d never met the man. But uncle reassured me that it was alright so long as we were careful. It could still be a trap even though Mass Joe wasn’t known to be affiliated with any faction.

Since the last time we heard from Mass Joe, he’d been taken to a nursing home to receive care for rheumatic heart failure. It was good thing because we knew that Mass Joes house was being watched. Not only that, but there were also spies all over the community. That was the reason we were heading out. That night we left the city and headed for Constant Spring, which was just at the foothills of St. Andrew.

We moved house during the late-night hours for several reasons. Jamaica was a small island, and I was aware that I stood out like a sore thumb. My curly black hair, hazel eyes, and olive skin tone made me a prime target of suspicion for foreign law enforcement. I could understand that because there have been numerous occasions where the FBI or Scotland yard sent operatives to the island. Or so the locals believed.

The nursing home was in Smokey Vale, about six miles away from our location. Wanting to beat the seven through nine o’clock traffic, we left around six thirty. Today, we drove a dark blue Honda CR-V. It took s roughly ten minutes to get there with Neeky at the wheel. Sometimes I wonder if she was a race car driver in another life.

“This is it,” she announced, pulling at the gate. “But isn’t it too early for visitors?”

“Yes, some of the residents aren’t even awake yet,” uncle responded.

The security officer at the gate told us we were too early, but he was assured by Uncle that we were expected. The man called the main office but there was no response. We were told we had to wait outside until the visiting hours, but Uncle was impatient. Neeky pulled up the sidewalk while uncle alighted the vehicle.

“Let me go talk to someone. Where is the bag of goodies, the one for the office?”

“Trunk,” I said, hopping out and trotting to the back of the vehicle while Neeky released the hatch.

Uncle took the bag and strode purposefully through the gate. The security guard stopped him, exchanging a few words, after which he allowed Uncle to go in. Neeky and I leaned against the car as a whiff of fresh air rustled the trees. Smokey Vale was on a hill, with a killer view of the city of Kingston. This hour of the morning had a cool temperature, and the early morning traffic was just getting started.

“I like this place,” I leaned across and murmured. “It’s beautiful.”

“I like it too, but you haven’t seen anything yet. We’ll visit the other parishes whenever the mission is complete.”

I reached for her hand and locked our fingers. “And I’ll meet your brother, right?”

She gave me a hard stare. “I thought you didn’t want to meet him.”

“Who told you that?”

“You called him a slut.”
