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“Whey yuh a go do to mi?”

His voice was hoarse, perhaps from sleeping on the cold floor. I patted his cheek and the man looked at me as though I was a mad man. I chuckled and rose to full height.

“Bring the man a bottle of water, will you? He’ll need his strength.”

The King left to bring the water while Rusty and I sized up each other. The anger in his eyes could burn. Only, I was used to much more heat.

“If yuh going to kill me, just do it. I not ‘fraid of yuh.”

A sly smile curled the corners of my mouth. “Well you should. Tell me, how do you normally take a life?”

“Whey yuh a ask me?” he snarled. “I no have to tell you shit. Me is a bad man. I kill my boss and take him place. One shot to the head and him done.”

I nodded, still smiling. “Yeah, the almighty gunshot. That’s all you got. Me … well, you’ll see.”

The water arrived and the man finished the bottle within a few seconds. I directed the king to bring a chair, a small table, and my special bag. While we waited Neeky paced the floor, and I hummed out of tune.

The King brought the chair and table that I asked for, along with my bag. I dropped the bag on the table and opened it, picking out a pair of plyers.

The killer looked at me with disdain as the King yanked him up off the floor and set him on the chair, releasing his hands from their bonds. I grinned as I grabbed his hand staring into his eyes. Using the players I gripped is right thumb nail and yanked. The man squealed in pain as the nail fell on the table. He stared at it as if it was an alien object. With his eyes wide he looked at me and back at the thumb nail.

I beckoned to the King to come and hold his hand down as I handed the plyers to Neeky. I held down his other hand while Neeky plucked the nail from his index finger.

“That felt good,” she said with glee.

“You like that, baby?”

“Hmm-hmm,” she breathed. “So sexy.”

“Woman, don’t start what you can’t finish.”

She made a face at me and pulled another nail. “Who says I can’t finish what I started. Try me.”

The rasta man was bawling like a baby. I took the plyers gently from her hand and plucked the nail from a pinky. Each time we plucked a nail he screamed in pain. Eventually all ten nails lay on the floor while his fingers bled.

“So Rusty, do you like my hospitality?”

“Bomboclaat bwoy, a whey you a do?” His voice slurred as if he was drunk.

“Just giving you what you deserve.”

Done with his fingers, I pondered doing the toes now, but thought I’d leave that for last. I wanted to have some fun with him to see how long he could last.

Setting the plyers down, I picked out a box with small nails and a hammer from my bag. I gave Neeky one nail and the hammer and instructed her to drive it through his thumb. Another blood curdling scream could be heard in the room as Neeky drove the nail.

We had nailed a few when uncle walked in. “Hey, you started without me.”

Uncle walked over and took the hammer from Neeky, picked out a nail and drove it into the man’s pointing finger. The hoarse voice became worse, and the screams were like stone rubbing against an aluminum grater.

The blood coursing through me at that moment was hot and my dick was hard. “So you see Rusty, you and I are so different. Me? I relish the pain I can bring you.”

As he grunted and whimpered, a few more kings walked into the room. Their eyes settled on me admiring me from head to toe. These young bloods seemed awestruck and that soothed my ego. I knew I was something different. I was also teaching them new tricks on how to torture a bad man. A Jamaican bad man. They will never be the same again.

Picking up the plyers I instructed the men to hold his head back where I extracted two incisors. Rusty almost fainted. I knew the pain was excruciating and he was bleeding profusely from his mouth. I wanted him to drown in his own blood, but I wasn’t ready for him to die.

Neeky rubbed her body up on me. “Baby let me do the next one. I wanna see more blood. I wanna see him suffer. I wanna hear his screams!”

“You so sexy right now, sweet cheeks.” I handed her the plyers.
