Page 139 of Till Death

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Paesha cleared her throat, reminding us both that we had a full audience and a yawning child doing her best to stay awake, though her eyes had glossed over, and the dog at her feet snored louder than the bird singing in the distance.

Orin gripped my wrist, rubbing a finger over the golden band before placing his own directly on top of it. His eyes, deep and unwavering, met mine with a profound sincerity beyond ordinary boundaries of mortal love. “My promise, Wife, goes far beyond a life of happiness. I offer you a vow that reaches into eternity itself. I will stand by your side through all the storms that may come our way. In a world where uncertainty reigns, I vow to be your anchor, your steadfast companion, and your refuge in times of sorrow. I pledge to honor you not only in the light but also in the darkest of hours. At the end of this mortal life, when Death walks beside us, our love shall defy the limits of eternity. It will be a testament to the enduring power of the human heart. I vow that our love will be our legacy left behind, not our power. With Death’s blessing and the gods watching over us, I bind myself to you from this day till death.”

Orin’s vow ignited the magical bond we shared; the bands at our wrists illuminated the night as our friends gasped. I couldn’t pull my eyes from his, though. Couldn’t stop repeating his solemn vows in my mind as the words washed over me. When we’d married, he’d laughed when I accidentally bound him to Death’s court, and here he’d promised to come with me on his own accord. Forever.

“I don’t have any promises to make beyond one. I vow to always be a safe space for you. When the darkness consumes you, I will be your light, your beacon. I will never let you fall. With Death’s blessing and the gods watching over us, I bind myself to you from this day till death.”

Our soft and gentle kiss was accompanied by the applause of those who loved us most. Before I could take a full breath after such an emotional moment, we were encased in hugs.

“We have a wedding gift for you,” Quill said through a yawn. “Oh, and thanks for staying.”

“The bathhouse is ready,” Thea continued, bouncing on her toes.

Paesha added, “I snuck in earlier. It’s divine.”

Orin grabbed my hand, leading me away from the others. “Good night,” he called over his shoulder.

And in unison, all four of them called in sing-song voices, “Good night.”

The building was just as it was last I’d seen it. A long building that was more a work of art than anything else, made from opaque glass and intricate metal designs. The filigree of Thea’s handiwork crept up the building in such fine detail, I worried if word got out, our small reprieve from the world would become a beacon to those curious enough to wander through the tree line.

But the outside was nothing compared to what lay within. Orin’s hand faltered when we stepped through the doorway, taking in details fit for a king. No. A god. A golden arch, twin to the one we’d just stood under, welcomed us inside. Beyond that, pools of steaming water dipped into the marble floor separated by white pillars, smothered in vines of delicate golden leaves. Had this bathhouse been built in the realm of gods, it still would have been noteworthy. Thea had outdone herself, and there would never be another building in this world to compare.

The air was heavy with the intoxicating scent of fragrant oils and burning wood in the fireplace along the farthest wall, and I could feel the warmth wrap around us nearly as heated as the amber eyes that watched only me. The full baths steamed, sending tendrils of mist curling through the air. It was as if we’d entered a hidden realm, far removed from the wreckage of the world.

Orin’s knuckles traced the black silk along my side, his voice low and husky. “Choose your bath, Wife.”

I led him towards the largest sunken basin, its water shimmering like liquid gold in the firelight. We stood there for a moment, our eyes locked, the promise of pleasure building between us. After circling, searing me with his gaze, Orin began to untie the ribbon at the back of my neck, the only fabric holding the dress up.

He massaged the tattoo that covered my back, his burning contact causing a wave of desire as each inch of vine held his attention. “So lovely,” he whispered into my ear as the silk gown pooled to the floor. Brushing his lips across the base of my neck, it took every ounce of control not to completely come apart for him right there. I’d needed this moment so desperately for so long; had craved his touch. Even in anger, I planned to savor every bit.

Turning so my breasts pressed against him, I tugged on the bottom of his shirt until it was free of his pants. Button by button, as I held his fiery gaze, I undressed him. Each movement elicited a pulse of need until he stood gloriously bare. His body like that of a fallen god.

I rose to the tips of my toes, locking my fingers behind his neck as I dropped his shirt to the floor, joining my gown. Smoothing my hands over his tight, muscled chest, over each black vein creeping from his heart, my knees felt weak when he slid a thumb over his bottom lip and closed his eyes, dragging in a measured breath.

He kissed me once, viciously, with hard determination, every jagged edge of his madness peeking through to form the entirety of the man he was and not the masks he wore. Not all good and not all bad. He lingered somewhere in between, just as I did. But we would always call to the darkness within each other, even unintentionally.

Deep golden eyes stared down into mine as he pulled back, his lips swollen as he stroked his fingers down my arms, dragging a moan from me. Heat pooled between my legs from the way he stared at my bare body, frozen as if he could not trust himself to keep from ruining me.

“Tell me you are mine,” he growled, wrapping my hair around his fist, tilting my head back. “Tell me this is forever.”

I dug my nails into his arms and dragged them down until he hissed, delight showing on his stunning face. “I am yours and you are mine.”

I sauntered away, swishing my hips, until the fiction made my clit throb with need. Moving to the edge of the steaming bath, the fire heated my back as I dipped a toe in. Orin’s face lit with menace, cocking an eyebrow as he dared me to continue. Dropping my chin, I stepped in, the hot water lapping over the edge and onto the floor. Still, he stood. Still, he stared, locked in time, as he watched every inch of my body disappear. My breath left me, though I wasn't sure if it was from the strain on his face or the temperature of the bath.

I dipped below the surface, letting my hair soak completely through. By the time I came up for air, he’d already moved, the spell broken, or perhaps only amplified as he approached the bath. I turned, leaning against the opposite edge to watch him descend the steps, holding my gaze.

“Stand up, Deyanira. Let me look at you.”

“You didn’t marry a demure, obedient woman, Orin,” I reminded him, sinking lower. “If you want me, come and get me.”

I needed him. His fingers on my skin, his lips on mine. The few feet between us felt like miles as those eyes burned into me, devoured me, tracing up and down my body until my swollen slit ached with a desire only he could release.

“You are a stunning little nightmare,” he growled before plunging into the water, emerging inches away, grabbing my hand and spinning me until my back pressed against him fully. He curled around my body, reaching low, kissing the curve of my neck, water dripping from him as calloused fingers crept down my stomach. He stopped just above my core. When I lifted to my toes, his dark chuckle as he moved away amplified that vivid ache for him.

He reached into a basket sitting near the ledge. Dipping a cloth into the water, he held my gaze as he lathered, each corded muscle of his body tight, his skin so golden, flickering in the light of the flames, I needed nothing more than to run my fingers down the grooves of his body. Instead, he gestured for me to turn around. He surged forward until the water lapped at my waist.

Pulling my back flush to his chest again, he began. Inch by inch, he circled the cloth over my sensitive skin until it came alive beneath his touch. Warm breath caressed my ear, trailing down my neck. Orin was relentless. Bringing my body to life as if it were an instrument for him to learn. Fingers grazed the lower swell of my breast, forcing a small gasp as I filled with anticipation of his touch.
