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Earlier, over the phone, he’d picked up on her reluctance to celebrate her birthday. It pained him, knowing her ex played a role in that, but this evening he was determined to make her feel like the most special woman in the world.

A cold splash of water rejuvenated him as he finished shaving. Stepping into the bedroom, he caught the faint scent of the cologne he’d apply later. A polished suit awaited him, and the tie added the finishing touch. Aware of time ticking away, he dressed in a hurry. Just as he bent to tie his shoes, the distinctive creak of the front door reached his ears.

“Dad? You home?”

Quickened steps brought Luke downstairs. “Jer?” He paused, watching his son’s movements. “How was your day?”

Jeremiah tossed his backpack onto the kitchen table. “Same as usual.” He made his way to the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice.

Luke leaned over the counter. “How was the rescue?”

“Pretty good,” Jeremiah said, filling a glass.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the rescue too, but you know at this point you’re going beyond your mandated hours, right?”

Jeremiah took a sip of his juice, shrugging. “Turned out better than I thought.”

Luke laughed. “I knew it wouldn’t be that bad. Helping animals and working with that girl? Seems it all worked out.”

Jeremiah let out a rare laugh and shook his head.

Luke had noticed the subtle shift in his son’s demeanor over the past couple of weeks. Perhaps it was that girl at the rescue, he thought, but he decided not to probe.

Luke tapped his fingers on the counter. “Any plans for tonight?”

“Just some homework to catch up on,” Jeremiah replied, rinsing his glass.

“But it’s your night off. You don’t want to go out?”

“Not tonight.”

Luke nodded. “Well, I’m off to Savannah with some friends. You’ll be good on your own?”

Jeremiah smirked and rolled his eyes. “I’m not twelve, Dad. I’ll be fine.”

“I know, I know. Sometimes I forget that.” Luke smiled and pulled out his wallet, leaving two twenties on the counter. “For pizza, or there’s lasagna in the fridge. I’ll be back late.”

Jeremiah nodded. “I’ll figure something out. See ya.”

With a casual wave, Luke grabbed his keys and headed toward the front door. He thought it was a little strange that Jeremiah wasn’t going out tonight, but he wasn’t complaining. If he was at home, that meant he was staying out of trouble.

Luke’s heart raced as he drove up I-95 toward Savannah. The heliport they were heading to was just outside the city, and he hoped the traffic wouldn’t delay him from arriving before she did. He didn’t want her showing up to the airfield lost and confused.

Fortunately, luck was on his side, and he arrived well before the driver.

He parked his Range Rover and stepped out, the cool evening air tingling his skin. Approaching the small building, he met with the pilot and ran through every detail, ensuring tonight would be flawless.

As Luke and the pilot made their way to the helipad, a sleek black sedan rolled in. When the driver opened the rear door, Luke’s breath caught.

Stepping out, Emma’s long black dress hugged her curves in all the right places. A graceful slit gave a glimpse of her elegant stride, and the v-neck captured a hint of her allure.

Her approach was graced by a smile that seemed to borrow the very brilliance of the evening star.

A moment of admiration passed before Luke finally found his voice. “Emma, you look stunning.”

Emma put her hands on her hips. “You really think so?” She fidgeted with the edge of her dress, her brow furrowing slightly, as if recalling a memory. “Is it too much?”

“Absolutely not,” Luke said, moving closer and brushing a loose curl behind her ear.
