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Dom watches me closely. “Did you touch her?”

“Nah, her friend was lurking outside. Kenzie asked me if I undressed her, though, the next day, and I said no. Just to fuck with her head a little. Still, she didn’t drink all that much, and the girl was out of it.”

“I didn’t give her anything,” Dom says again. “Anyway, your plan won’t work because she hates me and Kill.”

“Hmm, maybe not,” I say. “But even if we don’t do that, we’ve got plenty to work with already. Any thoughts as to when we’re going to use it?”

“Can’t do much while she’s in her sickbed, though I’ve enjoyed the preview.” He smirks. “I hear Kill has, too. You were lucky to be the one to experience the real thing.”

I laugh. “Seriously, D, she was so fucking hot for it. She might have this good girl thing going on—not even one tiny wrist tattoo, for fuck’s sake—but she’s a filthy slut in the bedroom. She was absolutely gagging for it, and she wants more, too. I could see it in her eyes, even after I’d been deliberately ignoring her for two days. She couldn’t take her eyes off my cock.”

He snorts. “Probably in horror.”

“Horror cause my cock is a fucking monster,” I say, unable to keep the pride out of my tone. “And she didn’t even get to ride it yet.”

“I don’t see why you should get to be the one to fuck her first.” He frowns as he stares at me, and there’s something belligerent there I don’t normally see. Does Dom hate her as much as he claims? Because he seems pretty pissed right now at me being the first to fuck her.

“Because I’m the only one out of the Devils who she doesn’t think hates her.” I make the point mildly.

Dom seems to let this sink in. “Maybe I can be a bit nicer to her if it means I get my dick wet.”

“Why are you so upset about me being the first?”

He laughs. “Because your dick will ruin her pretty little pussy.”

A couple of crows fly overhead, cawing their disapproval at us being here. They alight on one of the buildings turrets. Sometimes this place feels like living in a medieval castle.

“You have plenty of other pussy chasing you around. Verity is practically throwing herself on her back and holding her ankles wide every time you’re around.”

He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” His lips curl in the corners. “I’d rather have someone who’s going to fight me.”

I shake my head. “You’re fucking twisted.”

“Takes one to know one. Now, are we running or what?”

Though my ankle twangs with pain, sending what feels like electric shocks up my leg and down through my toes, I break into a sprint. I’m still competitive, even against my fellow Devils. I pay no heed to the pain. As soon as I get back to my room, I’ll take another pill.

Fuck it.

I might even take two.

Chapter 20


I don’t go to class the day after my seizure. I could have happily gone to my seminars, as I felt fine, but Mom was worrying. I’ve already given her enough reason to stress out about me, so if staying in my room all day is going to make her feel better, then I can do that much.

Spending the day alone in my room gave me time to really think. For the first time in weeks, I had space to simply sit and consider all that has happened.

Some things don’t completely add up.

How did my mom even know about Verona Falls and Nataniele Rossi? How did she know he’d create a safe space for us, considering what I did? Most people would have told her to get lost, or called the cops themselves, but not Nataniele.

While I appreciate the second chance, it’s clear Nataniele has some pretty serious contacts. Camile mentioned they pay off the cops if something untoward happens here. How does my mom even know Nataniele? She says he’s from her past, but what kind of past does she have to be involved with someone like him?

The more I think about it, the more I become convinced something else is going on. Something she’s not telling me.

There’s a break after my morning seminar today, and I’m in the library, trying to find information about either Nataniele or Verona Falls.
