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Oh, my God, he came for me.

An hour ago, I may have had a very different response to this, but right now I’m relieved enough to cry. I climb out of the bath, and I’m so shivery from the shock of Lola’s news that I fall to the floor in a heap. It takes me a moment to gather myself, stand, and open the bathroom door.

The hammering continues from outside.

“I’m coming,” I manage to croak. “I’m coming.”

I race to the front door, unlock it, and fling it open. Tino marches into the room, pushing past me rudely, and turns to glare at me. He swipes the hoodie from his face and runs his fingers through his nearly black hair. I ease the door closed, lock it, and lift my gaze to meet his. His dark eyes flash with accusation and anger.

“You shouldn’t have run, Mackenzie.” His voice is low, and it sends a thrill right down my spine.

I wipe away my tears. Do the others know he’s here?

“Why not? No one there gives a damn about me.” It seems even when I’m terrified of the professor finding me and ending my life, I still have time to be a brat. “Why are you here?”

“For you, of course.” He stares at me as if I’m the stupidest creature on this Earth. Which, perhaps, I am, because my body is already leaning toward him as if he has a magnetic pull.

“You came for me?” I hate how small and needy my voice sounds. Right now, though, I need a friend. I need someone. Tino is someone. A handsome, muscular, and I imagine handy with a gun, someone.

“I’ll always come for you, Duchess.”

“How did you find me?” My thoughts catch up with everything that’s happened.

“Your phone has a tracker in it,” he says.

“Of course it does. Courtesy of you, I imagine.”

“Not me, this time. Blame Dom.”

“I do blame Dom,” I tell him. “For pretty much everything.”

“Where’s your phone?”

I glance around. “In my purse.”

I’d used the burner to call Lola.

He puts out his hand. “Give it to me.”


His tone lowers to a growl. “Just do as you’re told.”

I hand it over to him. He places it on the floor, lifts his booted foot, and brings the heel down on the screen.

“Hey!” I exclaim.

He doesn’t stop. He stomps and stomps until the phone is in pieces, and then he bends down and picks the SIM card out of all the twisted pieces of metal and snaps it in two.

“What the fuck did you do that for?”

“You don’t want someone tracking you, do you?”

I mean, it brought Tino to me, but I guess not.

“I’m here now, Kenzie. I’m the one who’ll take care of you. No one is going to hurt you when I’m around.”

I pray he’s right. What if the professor does find me, and he hurts Tino as well? I’d never forgive myself.
