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He looks around the room, and his nose wrinkles in disgust. “Jesus, couldn’t you have afforded any better?”

“Not really. I’ve only got a few hundred on me.”

“And what were you going to do when the money ran out?” he asks.

I shrug. “Work. Get a job. Do what everyone else has to do.”

“Doing what? Are you trained to do anything? What about identification? Did you bring it with you? Unless you go looking for something that’s cash in hand, and I can tell you that most cash in hand gigs aren’t the kind you’d like.”

I shrink under the barrage of questions. “I can pick crops with the best of them if I have to,” I say.

“Mackenzie, it’s entirely unsafe for you to be out here alone with no money. And what about your health? Have you been taking your meds? Slept? Eaten?” He stares at me, his jaw working. “I’m extremely pissed at you.”

The way he says that sends tiny prickles of fear and something else, something deeper and hotter, tingling the back of my neck. The way he said it was possessive and commanding. He’s angry at me because I put myself in danger.

He’s angry at me because, it seems, he cares.

The air between us changes, and my skin heats with awareness. He pulls the hoodie off over his head, leaving him only in a t-shirt that clings lovingly to his biceps. I lick my lips before I can stop myself. His ravenous gaze tracks the movement.

“Come here.” He crooks his finger at me.

I follow as if I’m a puppet on a string.

“Yes?” I ask breathlessly as I reach him.

He wraps his hand around the nape of my neck, his palm large and warm, and pulls me in. At first, he simply rests his forehead against mine. But then he pulls me closer and angles his head slightly so his mouth finds mine. Tino kisses me with something I’ve not had from him before. It still has the passion and the power I felt in him the first time we ever did anything like this, but it has a gentleness too. Tino is teaching me that he can be soft, when it is demanded, and there is no shame in that.

“You’ve been so fucking bad,” he growls as he nips at my jawline. “I think you should get on your knees for me and show me how sorry you are. Making me drive all this way to come get you.”

I sink to my knees at the gentle but firm pressure of his hands on my shoulders.

Tino is depraved. He came for me, and he’s demanding immediate payment. He’s like my knight, but he treats me like his whore, not his princess.

Dark and light. Goodness and depravity. That’s this man. I think out of the three of them, Tino has the biggest heart.

Dom, well, he’s got the most lost and complicated soul, and I don’t know if that man can ever be saved.

And Kirill, he’s a goofball, but a dangerous and extremely fucked up one.

I look up at Tino, and he smiles, but it holds a dangerous edge. “Good girl. You know you’ve fucked up, don’t you?”

I nod and, for some crazy reason, feel tears prick at my eyes. Should I tell him about the professor?

I decide not. While I trust Tino to protect me from him, I can’t extend that privilege to Dom. He’d probably give me to the professor on a whim if he felt that was a way out. It would also mean admitting I’d once hurt a man so badly I’d believed I’d left him for dead.

Tino undoes his belt and, instead of simply leaving it open, takes it off, sliding it through the loops on his pants, and then he cracks it against his palm, before throwing it on the bed.

“Bad girls get punished,” he says.

“I don’t want to be punished,” I reply.

“Well, then, baby girl, make me forget your sins.”

He pulls his zipper down and takes out his huge cock.

The piercings shine in the dim light of the room, and I swallow. I reach for him and wrap my hands around his thick length. God, he’s impressive.

“Like what you see?” he asks.
