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“Darling, of course you will. Nataniele and his men will find the professor, and he will regret the day he ever laid eyes on you. You know…” She sighs and blows out a long breath. “If you hadn’t lied to me in the first place, and had a secret affair behind my back, none of this would have happened. I get that you’re angry with me. I understand it completely. But we’ve both lied to one another, Mackenzie. It’s not only me who’s the liar in this room.”

My gaze flicks up to her, surprised. Up until now, she’s been nothing but conciliatory, but now I sense her patience is not never-ending.

“I love you. More than anything in this world, Mackenzie, I love you. Everything I have done has been for you. That’s not me putting pressure on you in any way. I don’t expect thanks and gratefulness, or for you to live the rest of your life in servitude to me for what I’ve chosen to do. I chose to do it. I’m an adult, and it was my choice. However, you don’t get to punish me for it either.”

She gives me a soft, sad smile. “You lied to me for a long time and snuck around behind my back. You did it with a man who was old enough, almost, to be your father. Now, we are in this place, and we’re trying to make the best of a very bad situation. We only have each other. That’s the truth of the matter. If you want to go on seeing me as the enemy, that’s fine. I’ll be here when you decide you want to be friends with me again. The only thing I’m forbidding you to do is run.” She takes a breath and swallows hard. “If you run, I will let Nataniele deal with you however he sees fit.”

Her words drop like a bomb.

My mouth falls open. “Oh, my God. Are you serious right now? You’ll let a man who is nothing to me deal with me? I’m an adult, you say, but now I can’t make my own choices?”

“You just can’t run. I’m doing this because I love you, Mackenzie.” She kisses the top of my head again and stands. She smooths down her pants and walks to the door. Turning to me one last time, she shakes her head. “I really hope we can start to put this behind us and become close again. I’m always here for you. I love you, and always will. However, you don’t get to run again, Mackenzie. Understood?”

I refuse to give her the satisfaction of my reply.

She leaves and closes the door quietly behind her.

It looks like I’m staying. And … if I’m staying, then I guess I have to say yes to the Devils’ depraved bargain. I can’t bear seeing them tonight, though. I’m too exhausted. I fire off a text to Dom saying I’m unwell. I tell him it isn’t serious but I must rest, and then I turn my phone off. I only have the burner now, since Valentino destroyed my other one.

Tomorrow, I will have to deal with them, but I just want a few more hours of peace until I do.

Chapter 15


The next day, I’m walking through the corridors of this den of iniquity, masquerading as an establishment of learning, and trying to avoid eye contact with everyone, when I see a familiar figure. I run over to my friend and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around, and so many expressions flit across her face, it’s like watching a movie reel of emotions. I stand there for a few seconds, terrified which one will win.

“Mackenzie,” she says, her tone reserved. “I’m glad you’re back. And safe.”

It’s hardly the effusive welcome I was hoping for. Then again, can I really blame her?

“I’m so glad to see you, Camile. Truthfully, I really am. I hope we can be friends again, and that you’ll forgive me for all the craziness.”

“It’s not a question of forgiving you, Mackenzie.” She smiles sadly at me. “It’s just that I don’t want to be around those guys. I don’t think it’s safe. If you’re going to be hanging with them all the time, they’ll take you over.”

“No, they won’t,” I say with a forced laugh. It sounds fake as hell, and I want to wince at myself.

“Oh, but they will. They’ll swallow you whole. You’re already becoming their pliant little toy to play with.”

I flinch as if she slapped me. Her words are so close to the bone. They’ve called me their doll, haven’t they? They talk about how much they enjoy toying with me. Does she see that? Does everyone else? Am I going to be nothing but a laughingstock if I let this insane pact go ahead?

“Ouch,” I say with a smile. I try to keep my tone and expression light.

“I really like you,” she says. “I’m just scared of them.”

“They would never hurt you. Not if you’re a friend of mine.”

“You think you can control them?” She glances around, making sure no one’s close enough to hear what we’re saying. “Mackenzie, you can no more control the wind. Those men are elemental. Hell, how can you control them, when they can’t control themselves?”

She makes a damn good point, and one I don’t have an answer to.

“Can we meet for coffee later?” I ask. “Please?”

She bites her bottom lip but then gives a brisk nod. “Okay, a coffee can’t hurt, I suppose. Meet me in the cafeteria around six?”

“I’ll be there,” I say.

I glance at my watch and realize I don’t have long before I have to get to my next lecture. I need the restroom before then.
