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I’d suggest they do the latter.

Suddenly, a whole new possible future opens up for me. It all depends, though, on me marrying Mackenzie, and that will tear the Devils apart.

Chapter 26



I sit up sharply. Igor’s head has just bounced off the glass of the diner’s window.

Mackenzie and Tino pay attention, too.

“Do we go in there?” Tino asks.

I grit my teeth. “Just give it a minute.”

Kirill and his father both get to their feet. Grigoriy Stepanov puts his hand out to his son, and, after a moment of hesitation, Kirill shakes it. His father pulls him in closer, and smacks Kirill on the back.

“It’s okay.” I let out a breath. “He’s okay.”

Grigoriy and Igor both leave, but I don’t miss the way Igor shoots Kirill a backward glance full of hate.

Tino must have spotted it, too. “That man does not think much of Kirill.”

“Perhaps Igor’s jealous,” I comment. “He wishes he was Grigoriy’s son.”

Tino snorts. “More fool, him.”

We stay put, waiting for the two men to reach the huge, black tank of a vehicle Grigoriy drives. They both climb in, and a moment later, the engine roars to life. They pull out into the street and drive away, garnering the attention of all the locals as they go.

We ought to get out of here, too. Maybe someone has called the police over that scene in the diner, and we don’t want to be hanging around when they arrive.

Kirill steps out of the diner. He pauses on the sidewalk, closes his eyes, and lets out a huge breath. Then he scrubs his hands over his face, and his shoulders slump. He opens his eyes again and spots the car. His eyebrows draw together, and he screws up his nose. That’s not quite the “happy to see us” reaction I was expecting. Usually, he’d be happy as fuck to see us after time with his father.

I throw open the driver’s door and climb out, using the open door to rest my forearms upon as I call out to him. “You’re still alive, then?”

Kirill cocks his head. “You thought I wouldn’t be?”

“It was fifty-fifty, to be fair, though me or Tino might kill you now after you sent that fucking text.”

A female voice comes from across the roof of the car where Mackenzie has also climbed out. “Or I might.”

Kirill spots her, and his entire expression changes. It’s like a light has gone on inside him, his normally cold blue eyes brightening. He doesn’t give a shit that Mackenzie has just said she might kill him, and, after hearing about her past, she actually might not be kidding.

“You came,” he says.

Fuck me, he’s only talking to her, not us. What the hell?

The rear door opens, and Tino gets out, too. “We all came. We weren’t going to let your father do something bad. We’re a team, remember? We stick together, no matter what, right, Kill-buddy?”

The light vanishes from Kirill’s eyes again, but he nods. “Of course. We are a team.”

“That text was pushing the fucking limit, though,” Tino says. “Do something like that again, and we’ll fuck you over ourselves.”

Kirill’s gaze tracks to the left then drops to the sidewalk, and he gives a perfunctory nod. “Understood.”

Why is he acting off? I’m about to say something more, but Mackenzie gets there first.
