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I float through my lessons and keep finding myself smiling as I relive the events of our time out there. My high lasts until early that evening when a knock at my door startles me. I open it, expecting to see Dom, but it’s Kirill. He looks shifty, the way he glances left to right down the hall, as though he feels like he shouldn’t be here.

“Can I come in?” he asks.

I nod and step out of the way, creating space. “Yes, of course.”

He comes into my room and clears his throat, but instead of speaking, he walks to the window and stares out. He’s starting to worry me. This isn’t like him. Kirill is usually direct. This is more Dom behavior. What is he working up to? I wonder if he’s planning another episode with a hairbrush.

Carefully, I close the door behind him.

“Do you want a drink?” I gesture to the mini fridge I have in the corner of my room. It houses a few various sodas and some bottles of water.

He turns to face me and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “No. It’s okay.” He paces a little. “We are friends, no?” he asks suddenly.

“Yes, of course.”

He turns to focus on me, pausing his pacing. “More than friends?”

“Yeeesss,” I say slowly, elongating the word, wondering where this is going.

“You like me?”

I frown. “Of course I like you, Kirill. I wouldn’t do the shit we get up to with a guy I didn’t like.”

He sits on the sofa, his elbows on his knees, his fingers steepled together, and stares at the floor for a long beat. Finally, he lifts his gaze to mine. “Do you like me enough to see yourself with me?”

I’m baffled. “With you how? I already am with you.”

He clears his throat. “Yes, but in a more permanent way.”

“Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

God, the other Devils won’t like that one bit.

“Yes, but more.”

More? My heart starts to speed up.

“Kirill what is this about?”

“You have someone after you and need protecting.” His voice is formal but forceful. Every word he speaks he sounds as if he’s trying to convince himself as much as me. “This world is not safe for you, and you have a crazy man after you.”

I nod numbly. He’s not wrong, but where the hell is he going with this?

“I can keep you safe.” He stares at me, and there’s a defensiveness in his gaze, a hostility, almost.

It’s as if he’s daring me to deny it. I sense violence simmering beneath the surface of his skin, shouting at me from the overly tight set of his shoulders, and the twitch of the muscle in his cheek.

“Of course you can. All of you can.”

“Yes, all of us. That can continue, after. There’s no need for it to stop so long as we keep it to ourselves.”

He’s lost me now. Totally. “After what, Kirill? You need to stop talking in riddles.”

Sighing, he pushes off the couch and paces again. Jesus, what is it with him today?

“Kirill, will you please tell me what is going on?” My fingers brush over my phone in my pocket, and I’m tempted to take it out and text Dom. Kirill is worrying me.

“I want you to be my wife.” He doesn’t even look at me when he speaks. His gaze is trained out of the window.
