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“You fucking told Camile?” Dom shouts loudly enough that his father might hear. I put my finger to my lips, and he tenses his jaw but gives a jerky nod in reply. “That’s really stupid of you, Mackenzie.”

“She’s my friend.” Mack’s face turns red. “You all have one another to talk to, and I have no one.”

“You can talk to us,” I point out.

She snorts, and it’s kind of cute. “Yeah, right. You three are the friends, and I am the spare part. I can’t talk to you. You’re tight.”

“We were tight,” Dom corrects. “Clearly, we aren’t anymore.”

His words sting. Does he include me in that?

“What the fuck are we going to do?” I ask Dom. “If Grigoriy wants Kirill to marry her, how can we stop it if Kirill won’t see sense?”

“We have to make him see sense, even if we have to beat it into the fucker. Let’s think about it tonight. We can make a plan of action. None of us talks about this.” Dom jabs his finger at me and Mackenzie as if we’re kids in kindergarten. “Let’s hope your so-called bestie doesn’t flap her lips.” He shoots her a filthy look and then jerks his head at me as he walks to the door. “Don’t worry, Mack,” he says. “You’re not marrying him. We’ll sort this out.”

As we walk down the corridor together, Dom turns to me. “Get some sleep. It’s going to be a shitshow of a day tomorrow. If we can’t make that fucker see sense, then we might have to do something drastic.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Use your fucking imagination.” Dom slams the door to his room in my face.

I stand out in that corridor, shut out, alone, treated by my supposed brother-in-friendship in the same dismissive manner my father treats me.

When I reach my own room, my pain levels are screaming at me like an internal fire alarm. I unscrew the lid on a bottle of whisky and down big slugs of it. Then I pop a few pills. I don’t even count tonight. The pain is horrendous. My head thuds, my stomach roils, and a sense of panic I can’t deal with washes over me in waves.

All I want right now is a few hours of oblivion. I lie on my bed, but the act of trying to sleep with all this racing through my mind simply makes me more anxious. Time and again, I toss and turn, switching sides to no avail.

A glance at the clock, at what seems hours later, shows it is early morning. At this rate, I’ll be useless tomorrow.

I reach out to the nightstand for more pills. I glance down at my palm, and then toss them into my mouth. I swallow them in one gulp, using the half empty whisky to wash them down, and for good measure, I keep drinking the amber liquid.

I relish the burn as it scorches a path down my throat.

It doesn’t take long before the buzz starts, and this time it hits stronger than usual. I close my eyes and fade to black.

Chapter 30


I throw my phone at the wall.

I’m not in the mood for this after hardly any sleep.

Tino isn’t answering. I’m in the den, and I messaged him to be here ages ago, and when I didn’t get any reply, I started to call him. Repeatedly.

I glance at the time. The lack of sleep is playing hell with my temper management. I’d spent most of the night lying on my back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, turning everything over in my head. In the end, I’d gotten up way earlier than usual and summoned the other two to the den.

How the fuck can Tino sleep through all this, and his phone ringing constantly? Do I have the time to run up to his room and drag him down here before Kirill arrives?

The door opens, and Kirill strides in. That will be a no, then. He looks taller, bigger, somehow. It’s as if his delusions of grandeur have affected him physically.

I grind my teeth. Great, no backup, and me with this fucker. I have my knife, though, so if things go south, I can defend myself. Not that I want to cut Kirill, but, if he doesn’t see sense about marrying Mackenzie, there is no way for this to go other than seriously downhill.

“What’s up?” Kirill smirks at me.

His mock American accent has me wanting to drive my fist into his face. Instead, I gesture for him to sit with me on the sofa and hold up the bottle of chilled vodka.

He raises his brows. “It’s a little early for that, no?”
