Page 6 of Not A Chance

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I stare around my apartment and I notice how bare it looks. Casandra has art and photos against her wall, I have a flat-screen TV. There are no magazines or plants. This isn’t a home like hers, no this is just where I shower and sleep.

Maybe I should grab a shower and rub one out before bed? My mind drifts from the state of my apartment to fill with dirty thoughts of my spunky little neighbor so I definitely won’t need any extra stimulation. Seems like a solid idea.

A knock sounds on the front door before I can decide what to do with myself. Who the hell would be here after nine at night?

Swinging the door open, I find the object of my obsession.

“Cassandra,” I say in shock. “Is something wrong?”

I look down the hallway but we are the only people on the floor and I don’t hear Tyler even though I see the monitor hooked onto a loop in her jeans.

“No,” she shakes her head. “You said if I needed anything else, I could come to you.”

I watch her blush a deep shade of red. That’s interesting. Leaning against the door jamb I smile at her.

“Sure. What do you need?”

“It’s a big thing to ask a virtual stranger and I want you to know you can say no. I won’t be angry or offended.”

“I can’t answer if you don’t ask,” I cut in with a chuckle.

She stares at me, tilting her chin up and straightening her back.

“I need a fuck buddy.”

“Jesus wept, woman!” I grab her hand and pull her into my apartment, slamming the door shut. “You can’t just say shit like that where anyone can hear you.”

“Why not?” she asks, glancing at me from beneath her lashes.

“Because I don’t need anyone knowing our business.”

I push her against the wall, caging her in with my arms. Then I do what I’ve wanted to do all day and I kiss her.

Her taste explodes across my senses and I can’t help but take more from her. Soft lips pressed against mine, a breathy moan rocking me to my core. With a single kiss, she rocks my world and my soul to the core. And she doesn’t even know it.

I may not understand it, or even be able to explain it, but I do know that my world and my life are changing rapidly. Instead of wanting to hold back or run from the unknown feelings she awakens in me, I allow myself to free fall into whatever the hell this is.

Chapter Five

This Could Be A Very Bad Idea


Gathering all my courage, I knock on my hot neighbor’s door. I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. What I do know is I am starved for human connection and he clearly finds me attractive as I do him.

The moment he pushes me up against the wall I know I’m in over my head. I’m used to guys that are soft and calm. You know, the missionary position guys. This man is a wildfire, ripping through all my boundaries. Strangely, I don’t care. I want wild, reckless, passionate.

Lucian kisses the way he does everything else, with confidence. He pushes his tongue between my lips and takes what he wants from me without giving me a chance to pull away or object. He consumes me and sets my hormones on a rampage with a single, earth-shattering kiss.

For long moments he savors me before pulling away. Leaning his forehead against mine he breathes deeply.


He turns and walks away from me, running his hands through his hair. My body tingles from the after-effects of his onslaught but my mind is screaming at me that I need to focus. For some reason, I think the kiss may not have been as explosive for him as for me.

“Never mind,” I say softly, gathering what little self-respect I have left, and open the door to leave.

A hand shoves the door closed. My body is spun around and pressed against the wooden surface once more.
