Page 107 of Letters: Chad's Story

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Cole studied them. “Interestingly enough, I think they both have an equal shot,” Cole stated, laughing, and reaching for his wineglass.

Mom and Dad sat across from Cole’s parents and were discussing their sons. Cole’s father was a bit out of his element being surrounded by such diversity, but his mother was having a wonderful time. Getting Cole to agree to an invitation for his parents to stay with us had taken quite an effort. I pushed, and he eventually gave in, agreeing that perhaps he could benefit from a better relationship with them. After he left for college, he never returned. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen the absence as a problem back then. I knew the advantages of having a strong family and wanted Cole to benefit.

Cole was raised in a small town in Nebraska, where his father was mayor. His father and he had never seen eye to eye concerning Cole’s lifestyle, but I had high hopes that I could rectify what I saw as a minor speed bump on the way to a stronger familial love. Cole’s mom and I had the same fascination with otherworldly pursuits, and she was a solid vote of yes on my plan after a few of my phone calls. I’d started with her and worked diligently to get them both here.

Lucas and Perry sat across from Clint and his admiration club, no doubt suspecting the same thing that Cole and I were. Lucas raised his eyebrows toward me and grinned, bouncing his eyes toward the trio. Even though there was quite a distance between our homes, Lucas and I remained close friends. Alan admired our relationship considering the possibilities early on for there to be jealousy between us. I’d reminded him that I was simply following Jack’s direction.

Lucas had expanded and purchased the only other gas station in Beaufort. And, of course, Perry was proud and bragging about his little business mogul. Their beach house was only a half mile from Clint’s and now that Clint was nearing his architecture degree, he was shopping for office space. He planned to not only design buildings and homes, but to offer the contracting services to complete them as well.

“God, just look at them!” Cole exclaimed, moving his eyes toward the flirting trio. “Which one do you think could live in Beaufort, South Carolina, with Clint?” he asked.

I laughed out loud, catching all three of their attention. “Marla would be the easier one, I guess, being that she’s a woman. But Alan would be the fun choice,” I wisecracked.

“What are you two yakkin’ ‘bout?” Clint growled good-naturedly, catching us talking about him and narrowing his eyes. “Don’t make me come down there, boys,” he said, flexing his biceps in both of his arms so his fan club could drool.

Marla leaned closer and kissed the huge muscle. Alan, never one to be outdone and unafraid of a little competition, quickly kissed the other.

“That is going to be an interesting evolution,” I casually said to Cole, keeping my gaze and a grin on those three.

“Speaking of evolution,” Cole interjected, smoothly segueing to another topic. “Your dad and I received your lease offer back.”

Cole and my father were negotiating a space for the brick-and-mortar Italian restaurant I planned on opening. Bodie and Rat would be running the food truck as part owners once I opened the new restaurant the following spring.

“Are the terms fair?” I asked. “I mean, can I afford the lease as well as the necessary improvements?”

“Very fair. Besides, your dad and I have your back financially,” Cole said.

“As much as I appreciate that, Mr. Hicks. I have my own money. Thank you very much.”

Despite knowing how I felt about great wealth accumulated by so few, Cole always offered to back me. Of course, so did Dad. Secretly, I knew they liked my independent streak.

“Can I at least design the software for you?” he asked.

“Only if I can work off the costs in trade,” I teased, squeezing his leg.

Dad stood and raised his glass. “Can I have all of your attention?”

The room quieted down and my mother looked toward me, smiling before quickly looking away. I knew that warning sign well. She either knew what Dad was going to say, or she had a secret, which Dad may also be revealing. I watched her closely to see if she gave any hints away.

I leaned into Cole, cupping a hand and whispering. “What is he up to?”

Cole acted surprised and shook his head. “Let’s hear him out,” he simply said.

“Thank you all for being here at Cole and Chad’s again for Christmas. Maggie and I are pleased that we’ve managed to fold ourselves into such a wonderful group of friends,” he began. “As the parents of Chad, we’ve come to depend on him to broaden our horizons and keep life interesting,” he said, looking from person to person. “And this group of people is certainly interesting.”

Everyone laughed at his attempt at humor. “Alright, Dad,” I fussed. “Wrap it up.”

“We are very proud of those two,” he said, gesturing his glass toward Cole and me. He looked toward Clint. “And we care for all of you that have impacted our son’s life. He’s a better man because of it, and we are better parents because of it.”

“Aww,” the group reacted simultaneously.

Dad began to tear up. “I’m supposed to hand this toast off to Cole, but I want to tell my son how proud of him I am. I’m proud of the family you have created with everyone gathered here today. And most of all, how much his mother and I look upon our son today as an amazing representation of all our goals and wishes for him.”

“I love you, Dad,” I mouthed, too emotional to speak.

“Okay,” Dad said. “That’s all from me.”

Cole stood and faced our friends and family. “Please stay standing, Alex,” he began, motioning to Dad. The group of friends released an excitable murmur at Cole’s request, giggling and looking at one another.
