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“I was telling your father how stunning the front yard looks,” he began. “The landscaping looks like it was done by a professional, but he said you did all that, Chad. Is that true?”

“I did,” I stated, waving him off like it was no big deal. “I drew it all up and organized the types of plants as well as the layout. I couldn’t do it all by myself, though. Pops was nice enough to employ some extra helpers for that summer, and voilà!”

“Truly stunning,” he repeated.

“Thank you, Cole,” I responded, wondering if I sounded phony with my gracious host dialogue attempt. “What can I get you to drink?” I asked, doing my best to impress Dad’s client and Mom’s apparent bachelor charity case for her ladies’ tennis group.

“Mineral water to start,” he replied. “I’ll see how I do before I risk my behavior with alcohol.”

Mom slid her arm through his and moved him to the island. Like I said, she had a work of art laden with her prized organic goodies to show off. “You must sample the local cheese,” she cooed. “I’ll make sure you know where to purchase the best cheese and the freshest produce in town,” she added.

I returned with a glass of mineral water and a lime twist. Cole raised his eyebrows at his drink. “Everything okay, Cole?” I inquired.

He took the offered drink and raised his eyebrows at me. “Most folks go with a lemon twist. How’d you know I preferred lime?” he asked.

I tapped the side of my head and grinned. “Intuition, I suppose,” I answered, staring directly into his dark blue eyes. His eyes narrowed for a millisecond before he gathered himself. He’d understood the subtle dig.

“Chad fancies himself as a bit of an intuitive soul,” Dad mentioned, eavesdropping and attempting to keep his disapproval from showing. “We indulge him because quite often he’s spot on.”

“Thank you for that, Dad,” I replied. “I appreciate the support.”

Cole glanced toward Dad. “I witnessed it firsthand, Alex,” he stated. “Initially, I was caught off guard by his refreshing take on life, but I’m becoming a believer,” he added, holding up the crystal glass of water. He plopped an olive into his mouth from Mom’s board, moving it to the inside of his cheek, a sly grin on his face. Mom was pleased. For what, I wasn’t sure. Was it the eating of the olive or was it the way he smiled at me?

I was shocked at him jumping right into the reason he’d fired me. I hadn’t planned on him going anywhere near the matter. In fact, I was perplexed that he was actually standing in our house. If I was him and had fired someone’s kid from a job, I sure as heck wouldn’t be in their home, eating and visiting.

“Trust me,” Mom began. “You have no idea what Chad can sense. We used to be worried about him, but we’ve come to see it as a real gift.”

Cole was nonplussed by Mom’s glowing assessment of my unusual nature. “I could have used advance notice though, Maggie, because I think I blew it with Chad the very day I met him,” he said, keeping his gaze on me. “He reminds me of someone very dear to me, and I think I may have overreacted because of that.”

I smiled at him. “I’m not one to hold grudges, Mr. Hicks,” I said. I stepped to his side and handed him a small appetizer plate that Mom had stacked alongside her wonderful spread. “How about you make my mother happy and load this up,” I said.

Mom and Dad watched me carefully. I’m sure they wondered if I was being a smart-ass or my usual cordial self. “Handsome and polite,” Cole said. He turned to my parents. “You’ve obviously done a terrific job with this one,” he complimented.

“We had to. He’s our only one. And when he’s on his best behavior, Chad can be hard not to love,” Mom stated. “I’d watch yourself with my son, Cole,” she advised. “He’s quite something when you get to know him.”

I frowned at my mother’s obvious attempt at matchmaking. “Then I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m quite a bit older than he is,” he answered brazenly. I was surprised he was so open about his sexuality, but I knew my folks and they’d gathered all the intel.

“I wouldn’t be too con…” Mom started to reply, but I held up a finger.

“I’ve got this, Mom,” I interrupted, before facing Cole. “Age is of no consequence to me when it comes to matters of the heart, Cole,” I began. “A loving and spiritual being is ageless.”

Dad cleared his throat. “I warned you, Cole,” he remarked. “Maggie, can we please eat before Chad scares our guest away?”

“No worries, Alex,” Cole said, slowly moving the lime around the rim of his glass. “I’ve had experience with these types. And I’m quite enjoying discovering another.”

Mom quickly glanced at me. She’d heard it too.

Maybe I had misjudged this Mr. Hicks fella.


I was completely mesmerized by the time the second course, a green salad, was served. Chad was an exquisite human to look at, but his charms and the way he lit up a room were beyond any young man I’d ever encountered.

Of course, these were his parents, and we were on his turf, but the love he received from his folks and the love he returned to them was an example of family I hadn’t seen before. Chad genuinely enjoyed being around his parents. He was complimentary of them and he listened well, while adding sweet anecdotes to their stories of his upbringing. If he was embarrassed by their gushing about him, he didn’t protest once.

Maggie had prepared a rack of lamb paired with a plum sauce, multi-colored fingerling potatoes, and asparagus spears. Chad was assisting with the plating and when he presented mine to me, he asked if I had a wine preference.

“What do you recommend?” I asked, knowing ahead of time what the best choices would be with lamb.
