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“There has to be a way around all this. There has to be. Raucous making me fight now, and with this loser kid. Are they trying to kill my rep on purpose? It sure feels like it. And how am I going to train for that line-up and still train the girls? Even an orc can’t be in two places at once. And if the HQ sees me AWOL before the fight when I’m supposed to be in ring practice full time… there’s no telling what they might say. Or do. Jesus!”

I slam my fist into the steering wheel. I swear, I even see the gopher jump on his stand.

“Marty. Has he got something to do with this? Trying to get back at me?”

I don’t answer my own questions. They seem trite, given the ruse I’ve been pulling off with the girls. It’s better to deal with his immature vengeance than have our secret training be outed to the HQ. Neither one of us can afford a contract lawsuit. Chey, monetarily. Me, for my reputation.

I punch the gopher’s button again. The little furry varmint dances up a storm.

This time, I don’t happily sing along. I musically throw out one curse word after another. At Raucous, at Marty, at the whole shady business.

“Marty, I hope you’re choking on your ham sandwich right now.”

All the way into Briarwood, I leave an exhaust pipe trail of smoke and bitter disappointment. And for the first time in my life, I feel something an orc should never feel.

I feel fear.



“You didn’t?” Liam’s words over the phone sound more intrigued than disapproving. That’s a good sign.

“Yeah, we did.” I smile but suppress a laugh. I’ll wait to see what all my brother says before I gush.

“Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.”

“Uh, thanks. Okay, now you’re acting weird.”

“How am I supposed to act? You just fessed a hook-up with Ronan. Guys don’t talk like this, you know?”

“Yeah, yeah.” I scribble on a pad of paper. It’s my nervous habit when I don’t really want to be on the phone. I draw a circle and a square with happy and angry faces. The angry square is Liam’s face. I draw in furrowed brows.

“Listen, I’m happy for you two…”


“Well, big picture. I’m not sure this is good for your business.”

“Business? Liam, do you see everything in terms of the bottom line?

I hear a chuckle. “Well, maybe not everything.”

“Okay, this is why I called you to tell you. Cough it up. Tell me what’s what from your cold-hearted lawyer side.”

Another chuckle over the phone. I add big clown feet and hands to my Liam doodle. Good thing my brother never sees these.

“Hey, screw Ronan all you want, but you should tell all concerned before they find out about it from somebody else.”

“You’re talking about our dad, aren’t you?”

“I’m just saying, that’s all. By the way, I caught replays of your latest shows. You’re rocking Disastra, seriously, Chey. Mom would be so proud of what you’ve accomplished.

I feel tears coming on.

“Listen, I have to run. Talk later?”

“Sure thing. I bill by the hour.”
