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I storm off the terrace and hightail it out of the Raucous HQ. Employees catch my raging look and make way. No one wants to be in the crossfire of an angry orc. I nearly take the glass doors off the hinges on the way out.

Back in my car, I grab my phone and leave Marty a voicemail.

“Listen, you no good weed. I can’t wait ‘til my contract is done, and we’re done. You’ve been a trash manager. It's always been about what you and others can get from me. No career is worth this bullshit. Marty Murphy, you can go to hell!”

I burn tires out of the Raucous parking lot and head straight for the small-time gym I’ve been using with Cheyanne. I burst through the doors. Everyone inside the seedy joint jerks their heads, including Chey. She runs over, and I make a concentrated effort to dial it down around her. She’s not my enemy in all this.

“Ro, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing you need to concern yourself about. Just more bullshit from the corporate HQ. I plan on venting my stress right now with a good session.” I take off my jacket, grab the tape, and wrap my hands.

“Right. Well, I don’t want to irritate you further, but there’s something you need to know.”

I look up and see Chey’s worry lines crease her forehead. Holy hell, will the crap news ever stop flowing? Almost immediately, my own problems take a backseat and I’m more concerned with whatever is making her face look like that. “Okay, talk. I’m all ears.”

Chey takes a seat on the corner bench and regales me with her run-in with Dee Dee and the swampster’s sleazy news. I stand erect and inhale, trying my best not to punch the corner post until my knuckles bleed. I know I can’t explode in front of Chey. Getting her upset won’t help anyone.

“Okay, so Dee Dee has been nosing around. That’s not news. When does that chick not stalk and eavesdrop everyone all the time? Who needs cell phones in this industry when Dee Dee is on the damn trail? I hope you set her straight.”

“As straight as I could. And I let her know in no uncertain terms if she spouted this crap, it would hurt her more than us. She swallowed the threat. I think that’ll keep her muffled for now. But for how long, if she can make hay with this juicy news. Who knows? She’s a live wire.”

“Okay, fine. So, Dee Dee mouths off eventually. What’s the worst that can happen? You become Disastra and end up becoming a millionaire.”

“Break my contract?”

“Chey, that was only really a worry when you didn’t have a back-up plan. With how things are going now, as Disastra, you’ll rake in enough to pay that fee in your first show. So what?”

“But think about the reputation I’ll get as a contract breaker. You know how wrestlers get blackballed over shit like that.”

“Right. And you give a shit, why? You remember who your father is, right? You could give Raucous your middle finger and laugh all the way to the bank under your dad’s roster.”

“But Ronan, you know my feelings on that.”

I turn and stare into her eyes. “Yes, I do. And I’ve held my tongue. But you are acting like a nepo baby who is whining about her privilege. And by not accepting your father’s help, you are actually putting other people out of jobs. You ever think of that? Disastra could be what makes Fool’s Gold a household name around these parts. That’s auxiliary work for half of Briarwood to start.”

“I didn’t mean to…”

“Yeah, well, you need to think of more than just yourself. You’re the tip of the spear. Look at the people, the careers you’re stalling behind that spear. Look, I’m sorry for being so hard. But it’s been a day from hell, and I’m done pussyfooting around. You need to face reality, too, Chey. If not for yourself, maybe for others down the line.”

I try to ignore the guilt that’s heavy in my chest. I know I’m hurting her feelings, but it’s for her own good.

Get in line for the hurt. We’re all being used. She should realize how lucky she is to have her Dad willing to look after her in this business.



I try to move past Ronan, but he blocks me with his massive chest. I want to get past this tiff we’re having. It’s going nowhere, and we’re both getting hurt by our words. There’s no seeing eye-to-eye right now. He knows it. I know it, too. But Ronan has other plans, like digging a deeper relationship hole.

“You’re seriously not getting the reality here, are you?” Ronan stares down at me like I’m a stubborn child he needs to lecture. “The solution, reputation, and money is staring you straight in the eyeballs and you refuse to look. Unbelievable.”

I back up and cross my arms. I need my personal space.

“What’s so terribly wrong about making it on my own? Doing things my way for a change instead of having to kowtow to everybody else’s view of me, my career, and my damn bank account. I’m a fully grown woman, in case you haven’t noticed. I have the right to set the trajectory of my life.”

“You’re right there. That’s the one point you’re missing. You ignorantly think you’re doing all this on your own. There’s an entire contingent of people behind the ring making you a star. Employees to promote your image and arrange the shows. The real drudgery work you’re completely blithe to.”

Hateful words sit right on the tip of my tongue, but I fight the urge. I body check Ronan enough to get by and escape his condescending lecture. How dare he presume my thoughts, or how I value the people around me? What an asshole!
