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I sigh. Big whoop. They happen all the time between athletes. I can’t figure out how this warrants a call but whatever.

“Yeah, so?”

“Chey, it was between our dad and…”

“Our dad? Our dad doesn’t fight anymore. You sure you have this right?”

“Yep. I heard it firsthand, from Dad himself.”

“Okay. Who was it? Who was Dad fighting?”

“Chey… it was Ronan, I’m sorry to say.”

“Did you tell him?” I accuse, feeling betrayed. I can’t believe my own brother would do such a thing.

“No, Chey. I promise, it wasn’t me. Dad said he got tipped off by Marty. How Marty knew, I can’t tell you.”

I’m stunned. I quit the call without saying goodbye. Then I throw the car into gear and tear out of the parking lot.

There’s only one person I need to see.

From Raucous headquarters to Ronan’s place, the intersections are a blur. Green lights, red lights, who the hell knows.

My mind is a blur, too. Who do I blame? Who do I offer an apology to?

God, can my life get any worse?



I hear a car engine outside. I leave the kitchen where I am making dew worm bread and deer stuffing and peer through the dining room blinds.

It’s Chey’s car. I’m not expecting a visit, but my lips curl up and my heart beats faster in anticipation.

My tongue, on the other hand, grows two sizes and has a nice fur coating. If her visit is because of what happened with her father and me the other day, this meeting could go so badly for the both of us. I clomp to the door, steeling myself for anything.

“Chey.” My mouth stays open, but I can’t get out any more words.

“Ronan.” Chey’s mouth stays open, too. I guess the both of us are at a loss for words.

My brain finally finds a few, and my mouth responds. “Come in. We probably need to talk.”

Chey nods and gingerly steps in. At this point, with how meek and mild her demeanor is, I figure I’m at least not going to be slapped in the face.

I lead Chey to the living room, and we both take a seat. Not side by side. In two separate chairs. The tension is palpable.

I intently watch Chey as she glances around the room, focusing on the walls, where I have many framed mementos from my career. There’s a variety of things to check out, championship photos, pictures taken with celebrities, and even my framed belts. I shift in my chair, unsure how I should gauge her actions and the delay in starting the conversation.

Chey stops gazing around and drops her head to face the carpet. Then her deep green eyes reach mine. Her look alone has my heart skipping a beat.

“Ro, I’m here to profusely apologize for my dad. I heard about that mess the other day. Everything has got so out of hand. From what I can tell, Marty must have told Dad that you and I are having a sexual relationship. I don’t know how he knew, but it’s the last thing I wanted to have happen. Liam called me and filled me in, and then I came straight here.”

My suspicions are confirmed. I soberly nod my head. That tiff was witnessed by far too many wrestlers not to be gossiped about around town at lightning speed.

“Yeah, that’s why you’re here. I kind of guessed it would be about that. As far as Marty knowing, don’t worry. I don’t think you sold me out or anything like that. If I had to guess, I’d say Marty just took one last shot at stirring up trouble for me. Even if it was a lucky guess based on seeing us together, you know?”

I shake my head. “It wouldn’t surprise me if Marty ran his mouth just hoping to be right about something so big. And then when your dad came around demanding an explanation, I certainly didn’t lie to hide it. Marty probably didn’t know for sure if that dog was going to hunt when he sent it out, but he had nothing to lose, really. Why not stick a proverbial knife in my back one more time?”
