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“Dad? What the hell just happened here?”

My father clears his throat. “Honestly, I don’t know. I thought this would be cut and dried. We buy you out. We pay the fine. We shake hands. Done and dusted. And this? What the hell is this? This is…”

“Payback, dad. That’s what this is. They’re punishing me for going behind their backs. Fritz and Lena. Damn it, I used to look at them as family. I’ve been so duped. I’ve been had. Ronan is right. This industry chews wrestlers up and spits them out, and as long as the bottom line is in the black, nobody gives a damn.”

The boardroom stays empty. I look around and realize where we still are.

“Dad, let’s get the hell out of here. This is enemy territory. If I don’t leave this minute, I could march right into Lena’s office and punch her lights out.”

“And I’d do the same with Fritz. And then we’d be facing lawsuits, too. Let’s go.”

Dad gets up and holds the door open for me.

Before I leave, I walk over to the trash can, pick it up, and throw all the refuse on the boardroom table. I cast the bin aside. It makes a clanging sound as it hits the floor. I wipe my hands, smile, and leave. At least I did something to offer payback of my own.



With Chey’s legal hurdle over, she’s already given me the heads up that she’s aiming to surmount another obstacle, one that I’m at the center of this time. One far more personal and far more crucial to both our futures.

That’s why I’m not surprised when Chey walks into the locker room with her father in tow.

“Dad, c’mon, now, you said you would.” Chey nudges her father up to me.

It’s an awkward moment for all concerned. Standing again in front of Joseph, I steel myself once more. I’m not sure what’s coming next, a handshake or a right cross.

Joseph walks up to me but stays out of my personal space. Good first step.

I smile. The old man smiles, too.

“Hello, Ronan. Chey is right for bringing me here today. She and I had a heart-to-heart about life, about her being her own woman, and about me letting go. I owe you a profuse apology about my behavior the other day. Forcing you to fight me like that, like it’s the Stone Ages and I have to beat my chest to restore my manly pride. After hearing about you two, I simply lost my head. I know Chey is a grown woman and can lead her own life. I guess I just never thought of her as anything but my little girl. I really am sorry to both of you, two consenting adults who deserve to be treated with respect and agency.”

My guard goes down, and with it, my shoulders. “I appreciate the gesture, sir and gladly accept the apology. As an orc, I see your side. Someday, I may become a father of a little girl, and in your shoes, I doubt I would be as disciplined.” I chuckle and rub my neck.

Joseph chuckles, too, and rubs his neck. The two men understand each other with few words.

“Yes, that may be true. But I was a fool to listen to Marty. The guy always sees life as a water bottle half-empty. And after your partnership breakup, I should have known he’d have it out for you. The conniving little green sprout. Why I would assume you were hurting my daughter and that Marty was telling the truth is beyond me. I should have realized a professional would never lower himself to such lengths. How about you and I start all over again?”

“Done, sir. Only the future is ahead.” I offer my hand.

I breathe a sigh of relief as we shake hands. It’s like we’re finding common ground, two generations of wrestlers. It’s clear we both care so deeply for Cheyanne and only want only the best for her. Even if that leads to two manly beings going at it for dumb reasons.

Joseph and I look down at Chey, and she’s smiling like I’ve never seen her smile before. It’s a look of pride in both of us, and in herself, I think. It’s like all three of us weathered an emotional storm and came through the other side better for it.

My mind races. I pray this means there’s still a future with Fool’s Gold. To my thinking, Joseph’s franchise is the only one strong enough to compete against Raucous. And it’s about time there was decent competition in this town. I hold my breath for what Joseph will say next.

We all take a seat around the locker room table. I raise my eyebrows at Chey, and she winks. Is that a good wink or a bad one? Is there such a thing as a bad wink? Geez, Ronan, focus, will you? The next few minutes might be life changers.

I watch as Joseph clasps his hands, looks down at the grimy table, and then looks up with a new expression. This time it’s warm and caring.

“Listen. Now that we’re all here and on the same page, so to speak, let’s chat. Ronan, what are your thoughts on joining Fool’s Gold? You could come onto my roster as Lawless if Raucous agrees to sell your character.”

My eyes pop. Joseph’s words are music to my ears. I nearly ask him to repeat himself, because I can’t believe he’s offering what I’ve wished for in my heart all along. Before I can speak, the old man continues.

“And you can shape your persona under Fool’s any way you wish. I’m not a control-freak like Fitz and Lena. I believe wrestlers should have input into their characters. Pencil pushers in office cubicles know nothing of what it takes to fight in a ring.”

“You really mean that, sir? I can transform Lawless?”
